Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Operation Baghdad Pups

On Veteran’s Day, November 12, 2007, SPCA International launched Operation Baghdad Pups ( to help rescue and safely transport unit mascots and companion animals whom soldiers have befriended while serving in the Middle East. Since the launch, a number of news organizations across the United States, including television, radio, and print media, have picked up on the story. SPCA hopes that interest and support of this crucial initiative will continue to grow as more and more people learn about our efforts on behalf of our troops and their four-legged buddies.

The dog who started it all, Charlie, is featured on the Web site and visitors can track the progress as SPCA International works to get him from a war zone to a safe home. Currently, Charlie has received all the necessary shots and is about a week into a 30-day waiting period before he can be transported to a safe way station.

No Buddy gets left behind.



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