Friday, December 31, 2010

What's new?

New species discovered in 2010From invisible squids to bald parrots to deep-sea fish with teeth on their tongues, picks the best of of 2010's newly discovered animals.This image provided by NOAA shows a deep-sea chimaera. Chimaeras are...
READ MORE - What's new?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Video: Playful Polar Bears

via: Neator...
READ MORE - Video: Playful Polar Bears

Lord of the Ants

A fascinating man - Ed Wilson is the ant man. Over six decades at Harvard University he has discovered more about ants than anyone else in history. He has thrown into relief for the general public just how important ants are—how they represent 25% or...
READ MORE - Lord of the Ants

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cute or not? baby Francois' Langur

READ MORE - Cute or not? baby Francois' Langur

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


An 8-month-old German shepherd named Rebel somehow squeezed his head through a hole in an 18-inch block wall at his Desert Hot Springs home Monday.Then he got stuck.Rebel may have been chasing another animal or was just curious about the hole, said Sgt....
READ MORE - Stuck!


This bald, grey-skinned creature was shot and killed in Lebanon Junction, Kentucky, after it emerged from woodland into the garden of a home.The animal, which has large ears, whiskers and a long tail, has sparked intense debate on the internet, with...
READ MORE - Chupacabra?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Video: Dogsledding

Doesn't this look like f...
READ MORE - Video: Dogsledding

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Video: How To Wrap A Cat For Christmas

via MetaFil...
READ MORE - Video: How To Wrap A Cat For Christmas

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dogs Are Santa's Favorites

An Poll, conducted October 13-20, 2010, by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, found that 53 percent of pet owners plan to get their animals a present this holiday season. Of these, fifty-six percent of the dog owners...
READ MORE - Dogs Are Santa's Favorites

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cute or Not? Baby Wallaby

Picture: Newspix / Rex Featu...
READ MORE - Cute or Not? Baby Wallaby

Escaped Reindeer Found Hiding Under Elf House

LAKELAND, Fla. -- A reindeer escaped from a nativity scene in Lakeland, but was later caught hiding under an elf house, police said Tuesday.While the story sounds like a Christmas tale, police say it's true. A caller to police early Tuesday morning said...
READ MORE - Escaped Reindeer Found Hiding Under Elf House

Did Animals Make Humans Human?

A well-researched article in examines anthropologist Pat Shipman's premise that the unique ability to observe and control the behavior of other animals is what allowed us to become the humans that we are.While some of Shipman's colleagues...
READ MORE - Did Animals Make Humans Human?

Just incase you were wondering - US$11,542,683

Sotheby's: Audubon sells for record £7.3mLONDON 7 DECEMBER 2010 --- This evening, one of the most magnificent printed books ever produced, John James Audubon’s Birds of America, sold at Sotheby’s London for £7,321,250/ US$11,542,683, establishing a new...
READ MORE - Just incase you were wondering - US$11,542,683

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How much?

LONDON -- Sotheby's is auctioning a rare copy of John James Audubon's "Birds of America," billed as the world's most expensive book - a treasure that could sell for 6 million pounds ($9.5 million).One of only 100 or so remaining copies of "Birds of America,"...
READ MORE - How much?

Winter Pet Safety

What a great idea!Morton® Safe-T-Pet™ Ice Melt was developed with veterinarians to be safer for your furry friends. It's completely salt and chloride free - so it won't irritate pets' paws or stomachs. Morton® Safe-T-PetT Ice Melt is also non-toxic,...
READ MORE - Winter Pet Safety

Monday, December 6, 2010

Please check before inserting foot

via Cute Overl...
READ MORE - Please check before inserting foot

Friday, December 3, 2010

Koala Bears - cute & endangered

Most of us, by now, know that koala are not really "bears."But did you also know that koalas are social animals and can communicate with each other over long distances? But the most important fact about koalas is that the impact of intense urbanization...
READ MORE - Koala Bears - cute & endangered