Monday, November 29, 2010

Another celeb Frenchie fan

Ashley Olsen touched down at Los Angeles airport with her adorable traveling companion.Sou...
READ MORE - Another celeb Frenchie fan

Very CUTE (& the dog, too)

Actor Gilles Marini and his French Bulldog Mila.via People P...
READ MORE - Very CUTE (& the dog, too)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Too many turkey days - must sleep now!

READ MORE - Too many turkey days - must sleep now!

Shopping for gifts? Remember homeless animals

During this happy season of gift giving, please take a moment to give a gift to a hard working, tireless, and very worthy Animal Welfare or Animal Rescue organization in your appreciates and supports the hard work and valuable...
READ MORE - Shopping for gifts? Remember homeless animals

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So much to be THANKFUL for . . . . . . Loving family. . . Great friends. . . Delightful pets. . . A beautiful world ...Have an excellent Thanksgiving, everyone.PEA...
READ MORE - Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Photograph by Michael McEvoy, DEEP Indonesia/Barcroft/Fame PicturesA close-up of a blue-eyed moray eel in Indonesia captured an honorable mention in the "Indonesia Residents" category of the fourth annual Deep Indonesia International Underwater Photo...

A Squirrel's Guide to Fashion

In the early 1940s, a woman in Washington, DC, adopted a squirrel after she found the critter orphaned in a tree. The squirrel, dubbed Tommy Tucker by the family -- of which he soon became a part -- accompanied the lady of the house on shopping trips,...
READ MORE - A Squirrel's Guide to Fashion

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Soldiers and dogs deploy for Afghanistan

FT. LEONARD WOOD, MO -- Families and friends said their farewells to about a dozen military men, women, and dogs Monday.Ft. Leonard Wood held a deployment ceremony for the Engineer Canine Company, 5th Engineer Battalion.The group included 5 working dogs...
READ MORE - Soldiers and dogs deploy for Afghanistan

Rachael Ray Donates $775,000 to Pets in Need

Wouldn't it be great if more wealthy celebrities would do this?...This holiday season, Ray is donating 100 percent of proceeds from her Nutrish and Just 6 pet food and treat lines to animal shelters nationwide, giving away a total of $775,000 before...
READ MORE - Rachael Ray Donates $775,000 to Pets in Need

New large pink moth discovered in Arizona

The mountains of southeastern Arizona have been a favorite collecting site for lepidopterists for generations. Yet new species continue to be described at the rate of about three per year.One of the latest discoveries is the largest member of the genus...
READ MORE - New large pink moth discovered in Arizona

Monday, November 22, 2010

Penguin Gets Prosthetic Beak

Five month-old Tungo was found on a beach in Rio de Janeiro with a shattered bill that had been damaged by a boat propeller.Discovering that he was unable to eat, vets at Rio de Janeiro zoo built him a brand-new acrylic beak, shaped from a broken piece...
READ MORE - Penguin Gets Prosthetic Beak

Huge Boa Constrictor Found In Car Engine

A California couple returning from a trip to the grocery store Thursday found a 9-foot boa constrictor under the hood of their car.Animal control workers used a little cooking oil to loosen the red tail boa's grip on the car engine.It's not clear where...
READ MORE - Huge Boa Constrictor Found In Car Engine

Friday, November 19, 2010

Photography by Tim Flach

Photo credit: Tim Flach . . . the best dog photos I've seen in a long ti...
READ MORE - Photography by Tim Flach

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mom to the rescue

This incredible scene was captured minutes after a herd of buffalo tried to drive a lioness and her babies from their den.The watchful lioness carefully nestled each one-day-old cub between her jaws and padded to a nearby bush for safety in Okavago,...
READ MORE - Mom to the rescue


via L.A. Unleas...
READ MORE - awwwwww

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chubby Cheeks

50 Pictures of Chipmunks Stuffing Food Into Their Mouths via The J-Walk B...
READ MORE - Chubby Cheeks

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Look out, Rudolph!

UK supermarket Lidl is under fire for stocking reindeer meat and is accused of destroying the magic of Christmas.Story includes a recipe for reindeer stew if you're interested.Sou...
READ MORE - Look out, Rudolph!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Putin Falls in Love

Russian PM Vladimir Putin hugs and kisses the Bulgarian Shepherd puppy that his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov presented to him in Sofia on Saturday, Nov 13.The Bulgarian Prime Minister has a passion for canine pets and the Bulgarian Shepherd Dog...
READ MORE - Putin Falls in Love

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Video: Rescued Baby Hummingbird

Awwwwwww . ....
READ MORE - Video: Rescued Baby Hummingbird

Friday, November 12, 2010


via Animal Pictures of the W...
READ MORE - Smile!

14 Celeb Cat Ladies Who Defy The Cat Lady Stereotype

Clutch Blog has gathered info on celebrity cat owners. Some might surprise you. For example, that Martha Stewart owns 6 of them!via The Daily W...
READ MORE - 14 Celeb Cat Ladies Who Defy The Cat Lady Stereotype

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Animals in War

Veterans DayWe are blessed with selfless, caring, individuals who are willing to risk their lives to maintain our freedom and well being. Take a moment on this Veterans Day to remember the sacrifices of the humans and non-humans who give themselves up...
READ MORE - Animals in War

Christmas Treats for your furry friends

Time to start Christmas shopping? has a wide variety of Holiday Themed pet chewies and rawhide treats for all your furry friends. Check out the Christmas stockings in all sizes, the rawhide candy canes and other goodies.L...
READ MORE - Christmas Treats for your furry friends

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rare New Guinea Singing Dogs Discovered in Pennsylvania

New Guinea Singing Dog is the name of an ancient, rare type of primitive canine that once inhabited all of the island of New Guinea. [wiki]Why are they called singing dogs? ListenUntil one month ago, only 150 were known to exist in captivity -- most...
READ MORE - Rare New Guinea Singing Dogs Discovered in Pennsylvania

What do you do with an unmatched glove?

Link via bb-b...
READ MORE - What do you do with an unmatched glove?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Show Your Local Animal Shelter Some Love

National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week is Nov. 7-13, 2010The Humane Society of the United States' National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week is a way to honor animal shelters and their dedicated staff across the country.There are approximately 4,000...
READ MORE - Show Your Local Animal Shelter Some Love on Facebook

You can now "like" on facebook p...
READ MORE - on Facebook