Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Three cheeps

They're kestrel chicksPicture: ...
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Today's awwww

SourcePicture: BARCROFT ME...
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Monday, June 29, 2009

10 Most Diabolical Fish On Earth

This piranha is one of the disgusting looking creatures included in Environmental Graffiti's list of the 10 Most Diabolical Fish On Earth.Don't go in the water!Photo from Flickr, by Laura Trav...
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Real men love cats

I love the photos at A Man and His Cat.Like this one:(via All Night Surfi...
READ MORE - Real men love cats

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do you own a bored bunny?

Give your rabbits hours of fun.This bunny playground is sold by the Bunny Bunch SPCR (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Rabbits), so your money goes to helping rabbits.For $289.00 at Bunny Bunch Boutique(via Rabbit Merrime...
READ MORE - Do you own a bored bunny?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Video: Back at 'ya

Watch video(via For Your Entertainme...
READ MORE - Video: Back at 'ya

Caturday Funnies

READ MORE - Caturday Funnies

Friday, June 26, 2009

A horse is a horse, of course, of course

In an effort to stop vets' drugs from entering human diets, the nations of continental Europe, where two million horses are reportedly eaten every year, will be enforcing a new law requiring horse owners to sign a pledge that their horses will not be...
READ MORE - A horse is a horse, of course, of course

Smile, It's Friday

READ MORE - Smile, It's Friday

A Dogs Life

(via Comedy Pl...
READ MORE - A Dogs Life

Thursday, June 25, 2009

DIY Bird Mobile

Tutus and Turtles says this bird mobile would really brighten up a corner of a child's room. Read more about the how-to here and here, and get the bird pattern here.(via [bb-blo...
READ MORE - DIY Bird Mobile

Fursday Fun

from Flickr, by Girlro...
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You can catch MRSA from animals

An infectious superbug, a strain of bacteria known as MRSA, which has evolved a resistance to antibiotics, has long plagued hospitals but in recent years has become more common in homes. About two years ago, scientists began to suspect that pets can...
READ MORE - You can catch MRSA from animals

Mind numbing

Baby Bab...
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Will you take your dog to work on Friday?

On June 26 a few thousand companies will participate in Take Your Dog to Work Day, which was created by Pet Sitters International 10 years ago.The event lets companies across the country celebrate dogs and promote adoption of pets from animal shelters...
READ MORE - Will you take your dog to work on Friday?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meet me at the swimming hole

These incredible pictures of orangutans swimming in an Indonesianriver have left wildlife experts stunned.Playing on the Rungan River, near to Palas Island on Borneo, theseorangutans can be seen swimming and submerging themselves in the muddywaters.For...
READ MORE - Meet me at the swimming hole

I want

A KomondorPicture: APor aA Hungarian PuliPicture: REUT...
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The internet likes rawhide dog bones

At whatdoestheinternetthink?net, I asked what the Internet thinks about rawhide dog bones.Great news - that's what we sell at i-pets.com!You can ask the internet a question, too.(via The J-Walk Bl...
READ MORE - The internet likes rawhide dog bones

Fat cat ad

From this:To this:From the New York Public Library (NYPL) Digital GalleryImage ID: 1261066 & 1259072Nestle's Swiss Milk posters by John Hassall (1893-19...
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Monday, June 22, 2009

Sick perverts

Muskogee County, OK, prosecutors on Tuesday charged a man and woman with fatally shooting and skinning a 7-week-old puppy they intended to make into a belt.A judge ordered mental competency testing for Austin Michael Mullins, 26, and Krystal Lynn Lewis,...
READ MORE - Sick perverts

How long are this dog's legs?

READ MORE - How long are this dog's legs?

2,500-year-old bird's nest found

A 2,500-year-old bird's nest has been discovered on a cliff in Greenland.The nesting site is still continually used by gyrfalcons, the world's largest species of falcon, and is the oldest raptor nest ever recorded.Three other nests, each over 1,000 years...
READ MORE - 2,500-year-old bird's nest found

Extreme Mammals

Found only in Thailand and Myanmar, the bumblebee bat is no bigger than a bumblebee and weighs only about as much as a dime.This is just one of the unusual animals featured at Extreme Mammals, where you can meet some of your more bizarre relatives.How...
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Waste some time

The object of this game is to trap the cat – keep him from jumping off the game board. You click on a circle and the cat jumps one place. Keep it up until you trap the cat and he can’t escape.(via Bits and Piec...
READ MORE - Waste some time

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Attention Cat Butt Lovers!

Nothin' can beat the smell of a cat's butt... you'll know it when you smell it!The Cat Butt Air Freshner has a fresh Hyacinth scent - just like your own cat's, but this is more portable.Available at Perpetual Kid.Oooh look, they have Cat Butt Stickers,...
READ MORE - Attention Cat Butt Lovers!

Want to sleep on your dead pet?

What could be more comforting than the memories of your late pet laid to rest beneath your sleeping head? If a cherished pet's death leaves you sleepless and missing that warm, furry embrace, then Patricia Moore of Naples, Fla., may have the answer:...
READ MORE - Want to sleep on your dead pet?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Caturday Funnies

ben pier photogra...
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Video: That's one way to come down the stairs

Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: That's one way to come down the stairs

Friday, June 19, 2009

Smile, it's Friday!

(via Awkward Family Photos)(via Redd...
READ MORE - Smile, it's Friday!

Help Set a Guinness World Record

In celebration of the unique bond between pets and their owners, Petplan Pet Insurance is looking to set a Guinness World Record by creating the world’s largest exhibition of pet photographs.It’s a mammoth task – they need 138,000 pictures of pets.Here's...
READ MORE - Help Set a Guinness World Record

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fursday Fun

(via pixdaus)(via catasto...
READ MORE - Fursday Fun

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today's awwww

Two baby Masked Lovebirds, a 3-day old, left, and a 3-week old, right.AP ph...
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meet echidna - the strangest creature evah!

Here's a long-beaked echidna, one of the oldest, rarest, shyest, silliest-looking mammals on earth.They lay leathery eggs, as reptiles do, but then feed the so-called puggles that hatch with milk — though drizzled out of glands in the chest rather than...
READ MORE - Meet echidna - the strangest creature evah!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Howlin' Good Music

What happens when a bunch of musicians who really listen to what their dogs are saying get together and produce music?Some dog loving Chicago-area musicians, under the direction of mastermind Bob Dorman, have created Dog Tracks -- Songs by Dogs.Songs...
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Skamper Ramp Dog Boat Ramp

Thousands of dogs drown in pools each year.Senior Pet Products has a solution.According to the American Pet Association over 71 % of the population own pets, and 51 % of the population own a pool or spa. Together these numbers could spell big trouble...
READ MORE - Skamper Ramp Dog Boat Ramp

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Caturday Funnies

(via Beautiful Thin...
READ MORE - Caturday Funnies

Friday, June 12, 2009

This is fishy

Cute?I don't speak Russian, but I think it's for a series of ads for AquaMagazine.More he...
READ MORE - This is fishy

Smile, it's Friday!

(via Awkward Family Phot...
READ MORE - Smile, it's Friday!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gay German Zoo Pair Raising Baby

Two male Humboldt penguins cautiously guard the entrance to their cave in the "Zoo am Meer" zoological park in Bremerhaven, northern Germany, where they are fostering a six weeks old penguin chick.After a penguin egg had been abandoned by its biological...
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