Wednesday, December 31, 2008


from Flickr, by ~Ke...
READ MORE - Deprecation

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


READ MORE - peek-a-boo!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cute or not? Baby sparrowhawks

Photo by Tanja Ask...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Baby sparrowhawks

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Better late than never ...

Shocking Christmas(via I have seen the whole of the internet)Also ...Cute Animal Christmas Song(via Ursi's bl...
READ MORE - Better late than never ...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Got time to kill?

Animals have inspired countless people to study biology. Their unique behavior and amazing abilities are the impetus for fascinating research. And who doesn't love a good animal video? Here's the Top 10 Amazing Animal Videos compiled by Wired Scie...
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Video: Dog Having a Blast in the Snow

Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: Dog Having a Blast in the Snow

Friday, December 26, 2008

Today's awwww

Two weeks old hippopotamus Paula is pictured on the first day of her presentation to the public at the Berlin Zoo December 16, 2008.Photo credit: REUTERS/Johannes Eis...
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

I love Santa!

(via USA Tod...
READ MORE - I love Santa!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I wouldn't challenge this -

Thailand's self-proclaimed "Scorpion Queen" created a new world record Monday by holding a live seven-inch scorpion in her mouth for more than two minutes.She held the poisonous arachnid in her mouth for two minutes and three seconds before spitting...
READ MORE - I wouldn't challenge this -

Art by Laurie Hogin

Song of Retail #1 (Pink Skull Monkey), 2004oil on panel, 19” x 19”More at Littlejohn Contemporary Gallery(via BoingBoi...
READ MORE - Art by Laurie Hogin

Can you give me a ride?

Photo credit: Holly KlasinskiSource: ...
READ MORE - Can you give me a ride?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Taking a break

A rare photo of a hummingbird - sitting still.(via L.A.Unleashed)Photo credit: Steve/Your Sc...
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Cute or not? Baby Manatee

In 2008, SeaWorld, Orlando, has rehabilitated and released six manatees back into the wi...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Baby Manatee

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What NOT to give for Christmas

Pictured at left is a swan pin cushion shoe, one of the horrible gifts featured in the The Daily Mail's roundup of "The ghastliest gifts eve...
READ MORE - What NOT to give for Christmas

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Video: Talking cats & dogs

This video drives my cat Grace crazy. She has to meow along with it. I wonder what that cat is really saying in the video(via Slobber Spa...
READ MORE - Video: Talking cats & dogs

Video: This dog loves his burritos

Poor dog - this can't be healthy!Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: This dog loves his burritos

Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh, you sexy beast!

Many more Animal Pin-ups at Worth1000....
READ MORE - Oh, you sexy beast!

Gothic kittens?

Three kittens with ear, neck and tail piercings were removed from a home by humane officers on Wednesday.One of the officers from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Luzerne County said the pierced kittens were being sold as “gothic...
READ MORE - Gothic kittens?

What's that in your pants?

from Flickr, by PlanetJa...
READ MORE - What's that in your pants?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

One nice thing about winter

Photo credit: Gary Woodward / NBCchicago....
READ MORE - One nice thing about winter

S.F. Zoo seeks surrogate mom for baby gorilla

Keepers handling the newborn gorilla at the San Francisco Zoo are hoping to find a surrogate gorilla mother for a baby whose own mom is showing little interest in him.Mom, an endangered western lowland gorilla named Monifa, bedded down in the gorilla...
READ MORE - S.F. Zoo seeks surrogate mom for baby gorilla

Cat burglar steals toys from his neighbors

A real-life cat burglar has left his owner feeling less than purr-fect - by swiping dozens of cuddly toys from nearby homes.Frankie the tom cat has got his claws into 35 teddies and soft toys in the last year.Owner Julie Bishop believes the two-year-old...
READ MORE - Cat burglar steals toys from his neighbors

Tongue Twister

from Flickr, by ~Ke...
READ MORE - Tongue Twister

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This wouldn't happen on CSI

Investigators are trying to determine the origin of a heart that was found Monday on the floor of a car wash in Paw Paw, Mich."The heart was transported by the officer to a local animal clinic, and the officer was advised the doctor could not determine...
READ MORE - This wouldn't happen on CSI

Facts about you and your pet

Some interesting percentages from a new poll released by the Associated Press and 67 percent of pet owners claim they can comprehend their pet’s own language62 percent think their pet understands what they say as well But not all species...
READ MORE - Facts about you and your pet

The cat with contact lenses

Ernest - a 15-year-old black and white cat - suffers from entropion - an inward rolling of the eyelids, which causes inflammation and hinders sight.Surgery might correct the condition, but veterinarians were concerned about how such an old cat would...
READ MORE - The cat with contact lenses

Dress like a Monarch

READ MORE - Dress like a Monarch


from Flickr, by cloud_n...
READ MORE - Catchable

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Cats in Santa Hats

from Flickr, by taelcatfrom Flickr, by petoskeygirlImage source forgottenfrom JabberJulsfrom Flickr, by jessi_brutonImage source forgottenPhotography by Paul Muttonfrom Flickr, by Fuzzy Gerdesfrom Odd Toddfrom Flickr, by JeffSFOfrom Paradefrom Flickr,...
READ MORE - Christmas Cats in Santa Hats

Monday, December 15, 2008

Love is Sharing

from Flickr, by AKIHIRO FURUTA(via Lassie, Get He...
READ MORE - Love is Sharing

Cute or not? Two-toed sloth

—Photograph by Itsuo Inouye...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Two-toed sloth

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Show off your fish

Glass Fish Bowl - Medium$59.99 at Target (available online on...
READ MORE - Show off your fish

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Video: I wanna go to the aquarium!!!

Watch video(via [BB-Blo...
READ MORE - Video: I wanna go to the aquarium!!!

Video: Cat Whack-a-mouse game

Watch video(via Scribal Terr...
READ MORE - Video: Cat Whack-a-mouse game

Video: Sara the Walrus

Watch videoSara is the star attraction at the newly-opened Istanbul Dolphinarium. Her skills at mimicking humans extend to dressing up as a railway conductor and blowing a whistle. She can lie down and catch a rose when it is thrown to her. And she has...
READ MORE - Video: Sara the Walrus

Friday, December 12, 2008

Today's awwww

READ MORE - Today's awwww

What's that in your pants?

from Flickr, by dawgbyt...
READ MORE - What's that in your pants?

A Tiger's Tale

In Texas, where you can own a pet tiger, the booming exotic animal trade has grim consequences.A very disturbing report by Melissa Del Bosque in the Texas Observer tells about the exotic animal trade which is a billion-dollar industry in Texas.“It probably...
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hats off

READ MORE - Hats off

What's that in your pants?

(photo from Cute Overlo...
READ MORE - What's that in your pants?

Hotel builds $200,000 home for ducks

The Peabody hotel in Memphis says it spent about $200,000 building the Duck Palace, a rooftop domicile for its famous ducks.The 24-by-12-foot enclosure features granite floors, a large viewing window, a scaled-down replica of the hotel and a swimming...
READ MORE - Hotel builds $200,000 home for ducks

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The philosopher and the wolf

A spur-of-the-moment decision to buy a wolf cub changed Mark Rowlands’s life. From that moment on he found human company never quite matched up. The Philosopher and the Wolf: Lessons in Love, Death, and Happiness is the story of the eleven years Brenin...
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