Sunday, November 30, 2008

For the woman who has everything

Yup, they're squirrel feet earrings.Give these to someone & you'll never see them again.(via Scribal Terr...
READ MORE - For the woman who has everything

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Video: Roomba Driver

Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: Roomba Driver

Video: Dancing Squirrels

Watch video(via Zooillog...
READ MORE - Video: Dancing Squirrels

Friday, November 28, 2008

Speaking of Christmas

This really is the best way to shop!Relax, in your pajamas, with a cup of tea or coffee. No driving around looking for a parking space, no fighting crowds, no searching through disorganized shelves and racks, no long check-out lines.You'll be done in...
READ MORE - Speaking of Christmas

Today's awwww

READ MORE - Today's awwww

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Let's eat!

Got the turkey?Let's eat!"Olive And Penny Tackle A Turkey" by Kim The Star Princess"Ryker Eating a Turkey" by astrid66us"sophie eats the turkey's heart" by theogeo"OMG! she's eating the turkey?!" by Laura"Turkey Neck gore 2" by Kamala Dolphin-Kingsley"Judah...
READ MORE - Let's eat!

Give Thanks

Let's take a little break today, enjoying our families and friends and food.Let's also be thankful for the internet which brings us such wonderful things asTHE PUPPY ...
READ MORE - Give Thanks

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Upside down

What could be cuter than a puppy?An upside down puppy!There are many more at upside down dogsHere's one from my collection:"max and layla 092907-1" by Julie Co...
READ MORE - Upside down


READ MORE - cataplexy


(via The Poodle (and Dog) Bl...
READ MORE - Poodle-less

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A meeting in the woods

Photography by Tanja Ask...
READ MORE - A meeting in the woods

Our tribute to the ugly Christmas sweater

This is Gabby, in a woolen ski sweater, with a band of stranded Norwegian Stars, at Flickr by abrelosojos.This is Ginger, in another traditional Norwegian pattern, at Flickr, by bunnyprincebilly.This is Lincoln, found at Side Salad, in dismay over having...
READ MORE - Our tribute to the ugly Christmas sweater