Friday, October 31, 2008

Last dog in costume photo, I promise!

(Until next year.)Little, a Chihuahua dressed up to look like a three-headed dog, won "Best in Show" at a dog costume contest and parade in Boston's Faneuil Hall Marketplace held October 25, 2008.—Photograph by Lisa Poole...
READ MORE - Last dog in costume photo, I promise!

Poor dog

(via Go Fug Yourse...
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Scientists Discover Vampire Moth

Scientists have found a previously unknown population of vampire moths that may have evolved from a fruit-eating species.Only slight variations in wing patterns distinguish the Russian population from a widely distributed moth species, Calyptra thalictri,...
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There's a good reason for 'keep out' sign

A volunteer at a US animal sanctuary has died after he was savaged by a 1,000-pound liger - a rare cross between a lion and a tiger.Peter Getz, 32, suffered fatal puncture wounds in his neck and back as Rocky, who weighs twice that of an ordinary lion...
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If you start now, you might have this for next year!(via Mental flo...
READ MORE - Catahedron

Arnold's Halloween

Thanks to Penny for this great pho...
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Happy Howl-o-ween!

It is Halloween.Small children ring our doorbell.May I eat just one? ** Dog...
READ MORE - Happy Howl-o-ween!

This has to be the ultimate dog costume

This is Rina dressed as "Tails" of Mother Goose(Thanks to an anonymous e-mailer)There are many more Dogs in Costume h...
READ MORE - This has to be the ultimate dog costume

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cute ads

A series of ads for Swedish Fish candy, "A friend you can eat," by advertising agency: JWT, New York, USAHere's another one ...And one more ... (via Ads of the Wor...
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Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade

The annual Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade in Long Beach's Belmont Shore was held this past Sunday drawing more than 600 costumed dogs and thousands of onlookers.Event organizers say it is the world's largest Halloween pet event, but whatever it is, one...
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On the head of a pin

6th Place, 2008 Nikon Small World Photography ContestKlaus BolteStittsville, Ontario, CanadaChrysolina fastuosa (Micro leaf beetle) on a pin head (40x)(via bioepheme...
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rats in art

In old Japan, rats had it good because a white rat was a messenger of one of the seven gods of luck, Daikoku. Because of this connection, they were not killed.The story goes that a rat couple wanted the strongest husband in the world for their daughter....
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Call the exterminator, quick!

There are 11 species of giant weta. The largest species of giant weta is the Little Barrier Island giant weta also known as the wetapunga. They are found primarily on New Zealand offshore islands, having been almost exterminated on the mainland islands...
READ MORE - Call the exterminator, quick!

Wonderful doggie poetry

Haiku is an ancient and revered art form.What kind of haiku would be composed by a dog?They say integrity is its own reward.Wrong. I like pig ears.They say old habits die hard. Wrong.Bruce Willis dies hard. Old habits last forever.Why no dog congress?'Cuz...
READ MORE - Wonderful doggie poetry

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pets behaving badly?

I once had a cat, Conrad, who loved to chew up my contact lens case, while my contacts were in there. He did this twice before I learned to put the case away in a drawer.When I was a kid, our poodle Fluffy had a litter of puppies in my bed. Under the...
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Just checking the trash

Photo by Julie Co...
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Stop squirrel indecency

Are you sick and tired of squirrels running naked in the trees around your house?Have you had to hide your children's eyes when a tiny furry streaker crosses the sidewalk in front of you?Here's the answer: Squirrel Underpants!Each pair of tiny briefs...
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Monday, October 27, 2008

A walrus with bling

Akituusaq, the rare walrus calf billed as Brooklyn's biggest baby, is flaunting a fabulous new set of titanium crowns at Coney Island's New York Aquarium.The 16-month-old baby, affectionately called Tuusaq, was fitted with the caps after his keepers...
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A spider I hope never to meet

There's a series of photos from the Cairns Post, which show a giant Golden Orb Weaver spider who caught a chestnut-breasted mannikin bird in its web. The photos were snapped in a backyard in Cairns, Queensland, Australia.Joel Shakespeare, the head spider...
READ MORE - A spider I hope never to meet

Cute or not? Glow in the dark cat

This kitty, named Mr. Green Genes, looks like a six-month-old cat but, under ultraviolet light, his eyes, gums and tongue glow a vivid lime green.Scientists at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species in New Orleans have genetically modified...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Glow in the dark cat

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Video: Death by puppy kisses

Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: Death by puppy kisses

Friday, October 24, 2008

Should farm animals have rights?

On Nov. 4, California voters will be asked to decide on Proposition 2, an animal rights ballot measure that would grant the farm animals in California the opportunity to spread their hooves and claws, rather than being confined to restrictive cages,...
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Heidie gets a bath

The wonderful folks at Jarden RapidBath sent me a RapidBath® Pet Bathing System to try out.My friend's dog, Heidie, volunteered to be our model and to get a bath. Heidie needed a bath anyway, so it's not like she had much of a choice.Well, Heidie loved...
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Today's awwww

READ MORE - Today's awwww

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Would you sniff your kids?

Sniff Dogs rents drug-sniffing canines to parents for $200 an hour. It was started this year by Debra Stone, who says her five trained dogs can detect heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and ecstasy.The dogs' noses are so sensitive that they can smell a marijuana...
READ MORE - Would you sniff your kids?

How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

Just like people, dogs need a proper diet and the right amount of exercise to stay fit and healthy. But it can be hard for owners to know how much time to spend at the dog said that a good basic guideline is 30 minutes of exercise...
READ MORE - How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Our new family member

Our previous puppy, Hershey - adopted through a rescue agency whom we won't name here - became extremely ill and died from canine distemper just three weeks after our family adopted her. It was a heart breaking (and financially expensive) experience.But...
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is your pet ready for Halloween?

These pets are ready for the Halloween 2008 ...Is your pet ready?More dogs in costumes ...More cats in costumes ...More pets in costumes ...
READ MORE - Is your pet ready for Halloween?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cute or not? Punk rock turtle

This is a Mary River Turtle, one of the most unusual reptiles of its type on the planet. The Mary River Turtle has become a popular figure with Australian environmentalists who say the endangered creature is being further threatened by Queensland State...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Punk rock turtle

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sheep for your walls

At design3000 shop(via holycool.n...
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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just a thought ...

I could survive for 22 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor Created by Bunk Beds Pe...
READ MORE - Just a thought ...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Oops, bad timing

It's lovely! I'll take it! is a collection of poorly chosen photos from real estate listings.Here's a great example of a poorly timed shot to show off the gorgeous yard ...(click to enlar...
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Wearing The Hair Of The Dog

Thanks to If It's Hip, It's Here, I found a great series of photos by photographer Erwan Fichou of people posing with their beautiful dogs, sporting canine couture... actual sweaters and vests made from the hair of their own pet dogs. You must see more...
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