Thursday, July 31, 2008


(via Clarissa's House Of Ca...
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Bears on the attack in Russia

Russia’s bears have traditionally been a national symbol of pride and potency, mythologized in fairy tales and depicted in advertisements and on the flag of Russia’s top political party. They are as hallowed in Russia as the bald eagle is in the United...
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How do you lose a 44-pound cat?

Meet Princess Chunk, a 44-pound hunk of feline flesh, a cat so big that she needs a bathtub for a litter box.Volunteers at the Camden County Animal Shelter in New Jersey are trying to find a new home for the corpulent kitty - a really big home.Officials...
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Saudi religious police ban pet cats and dogs

Saudi Arabia's religious police have announced a ban on selling cats and dogs as pets, or walking them in public in the Saudi capital, because of men using them as a means of making passes at women, an official said on Wednesday.Othman al-Othman, head...
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A 400-year long wait

Captured on camera as they swim in a lake, drag pieces of wood to make their dens and play with one another, these are the first beavers to be born in Britain in 400 years.The enchanting scene is a heartwarming sight for animal lovers as the species...
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cruel, cruel, cruel ...

but funny in a sadistic kind of way ...Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like a Ho...
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Crucified frog creates controversy

An ongoing row over a sculpture of a crucified frog on show in a Bolzano, Italy, museum gained momentum when a Catholic politician reported the work to the police for public obscenity.The sculpture, which depicts a warty, pop-eyed amphibian nailed...
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New Rare Lemur Group Found

A new population of wrinkly-faced, bamboo-eating lemurs has been found in a swampy region of east-central Madagascar—more than 240 miles from the other only known group of the primates, listed as critically endangered by the World Conservation Union.Scientists...
READ MORE - New Rare Lemur Group Found

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just hangin' around

These two-week-old triplet lemurs are the star attraction at Folly Farm, in Kilgetty, Pembrokeshire.The gorgeous threesome are the second set of triplets born to resident lemur Kirindy, who is said to have bonded marvellously with her litter.Source:...
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Gimme a kiss!

Photo: Darren Staples / Reut...
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Monday, July 28, 2008

The pride of Britain

Six adorable white lion cubs – born to two different mothers – help form the world’s largest pride of this striking species in captivity. The cubs take the number of white lions at West Midland Safari Park in Worcestershire to 19.The park’s white lion...
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Cute or not? Baby colobus monkey

This baby's mother, the Oregon Zoo's adult Colobus, Molly, was chosen as the 2008 mother of the year!Watch the vi...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Baby colobus monkey

Elephants: traumatized by humanity

According to researcher Gay Bradshaw, "There are things about elephants that seem so similar to us. Their family life, their emotional life, the fact that they grieve. They stand out from other animals." Elephants are able to recognize themselves in...
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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sun protection for pets

Animals can and do get sunburned!Animals with very little hair covering, light-colored animals, newly shorn sheep and other animals that are clipped can suffer from sunburn and the parts of animals that normally lack hair cover can be sunburned. The...
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Bow WOW! Great product for biker dogs

Road Hound pet carrierFor motorcycles, scooters, ATVs and bicycles. These trendy and durable pet crates are the perfect way to travel in comfort and style - for both you and your dog. Enjoy the great outdoors - and take your pet with you.Priced from...
READ MORE - Bow WOW! Great product for biker dogs

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Video: Baby Elephant Learning To Walk

Watch video(via Look at th...
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Video: The boxing cat - Watch more free videosWatch video(via haha....
READ MORE - Video: The boxing cat

Video: Cat Adopts Rabbit

Watch video(via: Cute Overlo...
READ MORE - Video: Cat Adopts Rabbit

Video: Putting Makeup on a Pug

Watch video(via Look at Th...
READ MORE - Video: Putting Makeup on a Pug

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dachshund Humor

(via The Long and Short of it A...
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Poultry in Motion

Photo credit: Jodi Frazier / Parade Magaz...
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Don't squeeeeze too hard!

Did you ever wonder:Why are humans born with eyes open and puppies are born with eyes closed?Photo credit: custom...
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Newspaper Won't Run Obituary

A grieving woman in Orange County, FL, says her loved one is being discriminated against by a local newspaper. She says the West Orange Times decided not to run an obituary after they saw the picture.Kimberly DeWolf is so angry she is threatening to...
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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Not for the weak stomached

Caution: Do not read this while eating lunch!Guinea pig festival in PeruAn Andean woman holds a 'cuy' or guinea pig dressed as a miner during a fashion show at a guinea pig festival in Huacho, Peru.The one-day festival includes an animal show and a food...
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Penguins rescued off Scottish coast

Rescuers hunting for the site of a plane crash at sea off the coast of Scotland called off their search - after the casualties turned out to be two inflatable penguins.Coastguard and lifeboat teams, along with a helicopter, were scrambled after an elderly...
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dropping in for a coffee

Frightened by the noise of thunder from summer storms, a wild deer brought chaos in Bolzano, Italy.The deer sent cafe patrons scrambling as it raced through the center of town. The deer leapt over tables, broke a window, and injured two people.Several...
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Legs to spare

Veterinarians at a north Georgia college have been treating an odd-looking deer after it was attacked by a dog.The deer, according to vets at Berry College, has six legs and was found over the weekend near Rome, GA. The animal is recovering from wounds...
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the Dickin Medal

The Dickin Medal was instituted in 1943 by Maria Dickin to honor the work of animals in war.It is a large bronze medallion, bearing the words "For Gallantry" and "We Also Serve" within a laurel wreath, carried on ribbon of striped green, dark brown and...
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baby animal alphabet

Cute baby animals, alphabetically.This is a baby iguana.(via Look at th...
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Lincoln Park Zoo has flamingo eggs

10 potentially viable eggs have been laid by Lincoln Park Zoo's Chilean flamingos, with zoo experts expecting offspring to begin hatching in about two weeks.Available records indicate that the zoo has been egg-less since at least the late 1950s. In 2003,...
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A fishy story

Ready for the latest in spa pampering? Prepare to dunk your tootsies in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.Fish pedicures are creating something of a splash in the D.C. area, where a northern Virginia spa has been offering them for the past...
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Monday, July 21, 2008

Tough Duck

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Hard to swallow?

An apparent set of conjoined twin birds -- an incredibly rare find -- has been discovered in Arkansas.The bodies of the barn swallows, which are attached at the hip by skin and possibly muscle tissue, are being sent to the Smithsonian Institution for...
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Cute or not? Praying mantis nymph

READ MORE - Cute or not? Praying mantis nymph

The best doggy shampoo & conditioner

Recently, I was fortunate to receive free samples of DERMagic - a dog shampoo, conditioner, and hot spot treatment.I had planned on trying them on my son's new puppy, Hershey. Unfortunately, Hershey died of distemper just four weeks after we had adopted...
READ MORE - The best doggy shampoo & conditioner

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dog Luggage Tags

Never miss your luggage at the airport with these ultra cute luggage tags.Faux leather with applique and embroidery details. Approximately: 5" Wide x 5.5" High (not including strap)$14.00 at Fl...
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Bacon, bacon, bacon!

Dentists recommend flossing and we recommend bacon!Now you can improve your dental hygiene while enjoying the amazing flavor of crispy fried bacon! Is there anything bacon can't improve?Each 2" tall plastic dispenser contains 27.3 yards of waxed floss....
READ MORE - Bacon, bacon, bacon!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Video: tarsier snacking

Watch video(via Miss Cellan...
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Video: Rabbit and cat LOVE

watch vi...
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Video: singing puppies to sleep

watch video(via cute overlo...
READ MORE - Video: singing puppies to sleep

Friday, July 18, 2008

A duck in the city

Invariably, one of my treats each day is to read Cute Overload. It really is an overload of cuteness each day.Read co's story, Duck Darwin Awards, a suspenseful tale of a confused mother duck in Downtown Spokane who laid ten eggs in a nest in the corner...
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Doggie wisdom

I LOVE this blog!On Mackenzie Speaks, we get snippets of wisdom from the viewpoint of a very insightful dog.Some of my favorite Mackenzie-isms:"Chihuahua’s are adorable, except for the fact that they’re tiny and rat like.""If I were invisible, would...
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Licked Toys

LickedToys is the first dog toy graveyard. You send in pictures of your pets' destroyed toys and they'll post them so that your toys may rest in pieces.Time for new toys?We suggest - they have excellent prices on canvas dog toys, plush dog...
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Lenore and Brutus, an unusual love story

John Katz has lived for some years with sheep, cows, steers, goats, barn cats, chickens—and dogs—on a farm in upstate New York, Bedlam Farm, but he had never encountered a situation where animals of different species have fallen in love, or even had...
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