Sunday, June 29, 2008

3-D Frog Anatomic Model Puzzle

Remember dissecting frogs in the glory days of high school biology class? This is a more appealing, and more easily repeated way to learn. Highly detailed anatomic puzzle includes 31 parts with stand and illustrated guidebook. A fascinating learning...
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Dog Mugs

Ceramic mugs with the dog's head as the handle.114 dog breed designs to choose from.At Creative Imports. (Looks like you need a membership to even see the prices.)(via: The J-Walk Bl...
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Video: Baby and dog in crying contest

Watch vi...
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Video: Dancing On Mother Earth

Clips from the documentary, Dancing on Mother Earth featuring Joanne Shenandoah-contemporary Native American recording artist.Watch vi...
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Political Poochies

The McCain family dogs, via Meghan McCain's blog, McCain Bloge...
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New bird family tree reveals some odd ducks

The largest study ever of bird genetics has uncovered some surprising facts about the avian evolutionary tree.For the study, conducted by Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History, scientists studied the genetic sequences of 169 bird species in an effort...
READ MORE - New bird family tree reveals some odd ducks

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Herbert Proepper /...
READ MORE - Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My cup runneth over

Awwwww .... it's Baby Ferrets in a Cup!, originally uploaded by Dosh Dosh.(via Funny Pets bl...
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Hope on wheels

Hope, the two-legged Maltese puppy, gets around by using a specially-designed device which features wheels from a model airplane.Hope was born with only two legs and has small wriggling nubs where her front legs should be. The energetic pup uses her...
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What's the big deal?

As an avid traveler, I've seen dogs in cafes and restaurants in many locations around the world. Just about anywhere but Chicago, it's totally acceptable to bring your dog out with you for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. In Paris, I've seen dogs indoors,...
READ MORE - What's the big deal?

Just washed my hair

and can't do a thing with ...
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Monday, June 23, 2008

A bald, three-legged, one-eyed dog has been named the 'World's Ugliest Dog' at the 20th annual contest held at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma.The pedigree Chinese crested won the World's Ugliest Dog contest on Saturday at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in...

It's the Law

(via Miss Cellania)corsi_ph...
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Cute or not? Komodo dragon hatchling

There are currently, at last count fewer than 4,000 Komodo dragons living in the wild, found living on three islands in Indonesia: Komodo, Flores and Rinca.Scientists report of two cases where female Komodo dragons have produced offspring without male...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Komodo dragon hatchling

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vomiting slime-dog toy

In honor of the 30th anniversary of slime, Bandai subsidiary Mega House has announced the August arrival of the “Biri Biri Kaze Hiki Wanko,” which roughly translates to “shocking sick puppy.”As reported by Scout Japan, this children’s game functions...
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Hands-free dog walking

Walk one or two dogs hands free! Always have custody and control of your dog! Secure it around you waist as tight or as loose as you like. It can also be held as a regular leash!The Waist Walker was developed by a professional pet sitter and designed...
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Video: Panda Cub, run and play with Mommy

Watch video(via Critter Ne...
READ MORE - Video: Panda Cub, run and play with Mommy

Friday, June 20, 2008

Alligator found in Chicago River

An alligator was found in the Chicago River on the South Side Friday afternoon, police said.The alligator, which is about 5 1/2 to 6 feet long, was found near 37th Street and the Chicago River about 2:15 p.m. by a citizen who called police.The city’s...
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Air travel is really starting to stink

MIAMI (AP) — An uninvited passenger created a smelly situation on a plane in Miami. American Airlines Flight 915 from Miami to Bogota, Colombia, was delayed Wednesday night after a skunk was found in the back of the cargo hold.When crews tried to remove...
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How's this for cuteness?

There can't be too many things cuter than a red panda baby.The Knoxville Zoo has a pair of brand new residents. Zoo officials confirm two baby red pandas were born earlier in the week.The mother is Kumari and the father is Chewbacca. The cubs are on...
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Tiger smugglers in Texas?

Federal authorities continue to investigate the parking lot sale of six Bengal tigers they believe were bound for Mexico.49-year-old Michelle Ashton of Calvert, TX, was charged with misdemeanor interference with public duties, after she allegedly became...
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Eyes over Africa

In 2006, to fulfill a long-held dream, widely acclaimed photographer Michael Poliza and friend Stefan Breuer undertook a helicopter journey across Africa. Skimming close to the ground, they flew over 19 countries.In 'Eyes over Africa' Poliza shares the...
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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Triplet tiger cubs surprise Auckland Zoo

Three Sumatran tiger cubs have been born at Auckland Zoo.The zoo's big cat keepers are celebrating after discovering the proud mother, eight-year-old Molek, has given birth to triplets nearly a week after the event.They had been keeping their distance...
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Trouble is $10 million poorer

In papers that were unsealed June 16, Manhattan surrogate court judge Renee Roth, along with New York State’s Attorney General’s Office, reduced Leona Helmsley's dog Trouble’s trust fund from $12 million to $2 million.The deal also entailed $6 million...
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Killer virus threatens fish in in Great Lakes

(Click photo for full-size)When thousands of bloody, hemorrhaging fish recently turned up on the Lake Michigan shore south of Milwaukee, it confirmed the worst fears of scientists worried that an Ebola-like virus stalking Great Lakes fish would strike...
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The duck gets washed

Chewy has had his Stuffy since he was just a little baby duckling. They are best of friends and Chewy drags Stuffy all over the yard to share in the fun.See what happens when Stuffy gets cleaned ...
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The story of Nebbeline

I chanced across an excellent photoset at Flickr, The story of Nebbeline (Ms. Freaky Beaky), which is the story of a duck with a very unusual beak.The photographer, Cynthia, aka tuxette, lives in Oslo, Norway.She met Nebbeline (nebb is the Norwegian...
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Would you?

Some women in New York are paying big bucks for a facial containing bird excrement.The Geisha Facial, available at Shizuka New York for $180, contains nightingale excrement.The Japanese powder, also known as uguisu no fun, is rich in the amino acid guanine,...
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The Craziest Pet Gadgets has compiled a list of crazy, weird and out-of-control pet products you've got to see to believe.Hmmm, I'll have to look through my old posts to see what I can come up in the "crazy gadgets" catego...
READ MORE - The Craziest Pet Gadgets

Science of cats - where did they come from?

Feline experts say cats have surpassed the dog and become the most popular pet on earth. But how did the cat evolve from a wild animal to a pampered pet? In the upcoming National Geographic Channel documentary Explorer: Science of Cats, (Watch June 17)...
READ MORE - Science of cats - where did they come from?

Animal management by morons

The animal shelter in the town of Helena-West Helena, Arkansas, was so run down a regional humane society worker cut the locks last winter and released all the dogs.The city then moved the operation to a temporary fenced-in area outdoors at the city...
READ MORE - Animal management by morons

Monday, June 16, 2008

Clever monkey

One of two spider monkeys recently added to the Washington Park Zoo broke out of its enclosure this week while workers were cleaning the moat, which had been emptied of water. The spider monkey used a garden hose to scale the wall of the moat.Zoo Director...
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Canine flu documented in Illinois

Is Rover coughing? It could be dog flu.Experts urge pet owners to be on the alert now that the disease has been confirmed in Illinois.Canine influenza or "dog flu," is an infectious but treatable disease that was first identified in racing greyhounds...
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Cute or not? Capuchin monkey

READ MORE - Cute or not? Capuchin monkey

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cow Tape Measure

his adorable cow uses her tail for more than swatting flies. Pull out her tail when you need to measure something.$6.95 at the Spoon Sist...
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Cow Cookie Jar

This playful cow heifer offers up her cookies with a wink, knowing you can’t resist. That little wink means this cow will keep your secret when you sneak an extra cookie, creates a soothing, subtly country setting with casual appeal. This cow cookie...
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Video: Bassett Hound Beatbox

Watch vi...
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Video: Dog drying

Watch vi...
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Video: Don't judge too quickly

Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: Don't judge too quickly

Friday, June 13, 2008

Pregnant for Father's Day

In the weedy sea dragon family it's the dads that carry the eggs, and this one is pregnant for only the third time ever at a U.S. aquarium, Georgia Aquarium officials said.The sea dragon has about 70 fertilized eggs — which look like small red grapes...
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The California Condor

The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is the largest land bird in North America with a wingspan of 9 1/2 feet and weighing up to 22 pounds.Today, the California condor is regarded as one of the rarest birds in the world. In prehistoric times,...
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First English beaver dam in 800 years

The medieval clergyman and chronicler Giraldus Cambrensis made the last recording of beavers in Britain in 1188. He said they were only found in one river in Wales and one in Scotland. They were hunted to extinction by the 13th century.In 2007, staff...
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dogs with balls

Funny Pets blog has posted a collection of dogs with balls. There's nothing more fun!"Mouthfull" uploaded by siskiyoulaura.Newsday Photo / Karen Wiles Stabilefound hereThere are many more photos he...
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