Friday, May 30, 2008

Israel has a national bird

It may not be kosher, but the Hoopoe was chosen Thursday as Israel's national bird.The Hoopoe, or "Duchifat" in Hebrew, is listed in the Old Testament as unclean and forbidden food for Jews.President Shimon Peres declared the pink, black and white-crested...
READ MORE - Israel has a national bird

Do not try this at home!

READ MORE - Do not try this at home!

Video: Britains Got Talent Semi Final Kate & Gin

Watch video(via The Poodle (and Dog) Bl...
READ MORE - Video: Britains Got Talent Semi Final Kate & Gin

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Special and unusual felines

We hear about famous and heroic dogs all the time; cats, not so often. I think it's because cats are not braggarts like dogs. Sure, there are many, many exemplary cats out there - they just shun publicity.Here are the stories of some very unusual kitties:Oscar...
READ MORE - Special and unusual felines


(via Miss Cellan...
READ MORE - Fishing

Lunch to go

(via Dark Roasted Ble...
READ MORE - Lunch to go

I wish I had one in my yard

Jo in England, sent Chris a picture of one of the 13 fox cubs in her garden. There's one more pho...
READ MORE - I wish I had one in my yard

Bear spotted taking a dip at the Hard Rock pool in Orlando

Orlando police are at Universal Studios, looking for a bear seen taking a dip in the pool at the Hard Rock Hotel.abcNews reports that officers believe the young black bear is hiding out or sleeping in a wooded area on the Hard Rock Hotel property. Florida...
READ MORE - Bear spotted taking a dip at the Hard Rock pool in Orlando

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How to save money on pet stuff

Janet Huey e-mailed me to let me know about the pet related business she runs."I think I'm the only business of its kind in the US. I buy and sell new and used pet supplies and been doing so since 1997. All items are disinfected and cat furniture is...
READ MORE - How to save money on pet stuff

Playing with food

More at omg owned.(via Cynical-C bl...
READ MORE - Playing with food

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Book Review: Dog Park Wisdom

The title is misleading. Dog Park Wisdom, by Lisa Wogan covers a lot more than just the dog park.This book is a handy guide for every aspect of dog ownership from picking the right puppy and choosing the right name, all the way to traveling with your...
READ MORE - Book Review: Dog Park Wisdom

Monday, May 26, 2008

Video: Borneo Apes - Malaysia

By some estimates, Borneo's vast forests are being cleared faster than the Amazon. Unless something is done now, Orangutans could be extinct in 20 years.The practice of bulldozing everything to make way for palm oil plantations has left Orang-utans without...
READ MORE - Video: Borneo Apes - Malaysia

Cute or not? Baby crocodile

Can't decide? Here's another one . . .Photo: Steve Winter (National Geograph...
READ MORE - Cute or not? Baby crocodile

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Video: Making of Bunny Ads

Premise:Film a new commercial for Kiinteistömaailma, a Finnish real estate broker company, featuring a bunch of bunnies.Watch the videoYou can also watch the final, finished version. (via pli...
READ MORE - Video: Making of Bunny Ads

Video: kitty vs puppy

Watch video(via Arbroa...
READ MORE - Video: kitty vs puppy

Video: Baby red panda

Watch the video(via cute overlo...
READ MORE - Video: Baby red panda

Video: Kitties playing

Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: Kitties playing

Friday, May 23, 2008

The loveable walrus

Dolphins are adored, whales revered, and seal pups make old Bond girls swoon. But walruses remain perversely, lumpishly obscure, known mostly for their sing-song linkage with a carpenter, an eggman and goo goo goo joob.Odobenus rosmarus is a magnificent...
READ MORE - The loveable walrus

Isn't this all getting out of control?

The small town of Osceola, NE is considering a breed ban that would ban American Pit Bull Terriers. The town has exactly one APBT, who has never caused any problems whatsoever and has no complaints registered against her.Maggie, the only pit bull in...
READ MORE - Isn't this all getting out of control?

Coming soon: beetle mania?

Cooing softly in baby talk, German Viasus gently uses a toothbrush to bathe the little animal he has raised since infancy and then pampers it with a fresh meal of mango, bananas and melon. The object of his affection? A beetle the size of a hamster with...
READ MORE - Coming soon: beetle mania?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

White-handed Gibbons Now Presumed Extinct

China's fauna exhibits a unique diversity of apes. Unfortunately, the apes are more seriously endangered by extinction in China than in any other country. A research team assembled by anthropologists of Zurich University now conclude that another ape...
READ MORE - White-handed Gibbons Now Presumed Extinct

Cocks not welcome in Swaziland

Authorities in Swaziland have declared war on roosters in the capital city because the birds are disrupting people's sleep. Authorities are set to enforce a 40-year-old law that permits residents to raise up to 12 chickens with permission but no roosters.(Here's...
READ MORE - Cocks not welcome in Swaziland

Pretty (smart) birds

Police in Japan rescued an African grey parrot two weeks ago from a roof in the city of Nagareyama, near Tokyo. After spending a night at the station, he was transferred to a nearby veterinary hospital while police searched for his owners.After a few...
READ MORE - Pretty (smart) birds

A rare vintage

These are barn owl chicks, being fed by George Hedges. Hedges, of Devons Eagles, finds this the easiest method to give the fragile babies their daily morsels of food - mouse and cockerel chicks.Source: MailonL...
READ MORE - A rare vintage

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

No kidding!

Police thought they had a goat surrounded after it was spotted going the wrong way on the Cross Island Parkway. An ambulance and fire engine blocked traffic Monday while sheriff's deputies tried to corral the animal on the Charles E. Fraser Bridge, but...
READ MORE - No kidding!

Whose bed is it?

There's a rather well known joke among pet owners, The Dog Rules, which states:The dog never sleeps on the bed. Period. Ok, the dog can sleep at the foot of the bed only. Ok, the dog can sleep along side you, but he is not allowed under the covers....
READ MORE - Whose bed is it?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Taking the kids for a walk

AP Photo/Gail Bur...
READ MORE - Taking the kids for a walk

Book Review: Yorkie Doodle Dandy

21-year-old American Air Force Private First Class William A. Wynne, stationed in New Guinea during World War II, met and fell in love with with Smoky, a Yorkshire Terrier pup.The story told in Yorkie Doodle Dandy is the history of their experiences...
READ MORE - Book Review: Yorkie Doodle Dandy

Compassion for feral cats

Feral cats — nearly invisible and often reviled — have prowled into the spotlight.The free-roamers with an aversion to humans have grabbed headlines this spring because of a bounty on their heads in Iowa, a threatened roundup and disposal in Fairfax...
READ MORE - Compassion for feral cats

Monday, May 19, 2008

Molly, an amazing horse

Molly is a gray speckled pony who was abandoned by her owners when Katrina hit southern Louisiana, USA.She spent weeks on her own before finally being rescued and taken to a farm where abandoned animals were stockpiled. While there, she was attacked...
READ MORE - Molly, an amazing horse

Sturgeon having a ball in Columbia River

When sonar surveys spotted a vast pile of rubble in the Columbia River below Bonneville Dam late last winter, officials suddenly worried part of the dam structure was eroding into the river.What they found below the spillways in February was not a giant...
READ MORE - Sturgeon having a ball in Columbia River

Cute or not? Baby gorilla

READ MORE - Cute or not? Baby gorilla

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pet's Eye View Camera

Did you ever wonder what your pet does all day while you're not home?Now, with the Pet's Eye View Camera, you can take a photo at intervals of 1, 5 or 15 minutes just by attaching the gadget to your pet's collar.$47.95 from Discover T...
READ MORE - Pet's Eye View Camera

Doorbells for Dogs - Pet Chime

Tired of your pet scratching the door to come in? Want to teach your dog or cat to tell you when it needs to go out? Then you're ready for the Pet Age Magazine product of the year: Pet Chime™.The Pet Chime is a wireless doorbell that allows your pet...
READ MORE - Doorbells for Dogs - Pet Chime

Baby albino wallaby rejected by mom

There's a new addition to the preemie ward at Cypress Gardens, and keepers are giving it around-the-clock care. An albino wallaby named Bela gave birth to an albino baby about four months ago.In and of itself, the birth is pretty amazing -- albino wallabies...
READ MORE - Baby albino wallaby rejected by mom

Octopus jewelry

Like this beautiful bracelet, all of the octopus jewelry at the OctopusME! Store! has been made from REAL Sushi Grade Octopus and is SOLID Sterling silver with no Octopus remains in the jewelry.wowvia Truem...
READ MORE - Octopus jewelry

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Video: Crazy Dog

Watch vi...
READ MORE - Video: Crazy Dog

Muddy Buddy Contest

Do you have a muddy buddy?Your pet could be the next Lee's Carpet spokespet!If you think your pet has what it takes to represent the Lees brand, known for its exceptional durability, incredible stain repellency and 25-year wear warranty, submit a picture...
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Video: Schmitty, Political Pooch

Schmitty, the Real New Yorkie has a lot to "bark" about with the BARK THE VOTE campaign. Doesn't matter if your candidate du jour is Obama, Hillary, or McCain. We just want everyone to "Be A Party Animal" and get all the humans in the USA to register...
READ MORE - Video: Schmitty, Political Pooch

Friday, May 16, 2008

What a dog!

Sergeant Stubby, a Bull Terrier mix, is the single most decorated dog in U.S. history.He was picked up as a stray in 1917, by Private J. Robert Conroy when the homeless dog appeared at the training camp of the 102nd Infantry at Yale University. Conroy...
READ MORE - What a dog!

Great advertising

"Blocked nose?"Ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi in Milan has created a great series of ads for Otrivin nose spray. --- I love the humor.More photos at I believe in advertisi...
READ MORE - Great advertising

Little piggies saved from the market

The world’s smallest and rarest pig, which was once feared extinct, is ready to re-enter the wild again.Pygmy hogs were thought to have been wiped out in the 1960s until two small populations were found in northern Assam in India in 1971. After a 13-year...
READ MORE - Little piggies saved from the market

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Houston-area invaded by crazy rasberry ants

The crazy Rasberry ants are marching! Hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of them are coming in a near-unstoppable zig-zagging insect army intent on making Houston homes, yards and lives a living hill.First spotted in 2002 in Pasadena by Tom Rasberry,...
READ MORE - Houston-area invaded by crazy rasberry ants

Let's eat!

Chicago's City Council has repealed the foie gras ban. It legal once again for city restaurants to serve up the delicacy made from duck and goose liver.Mayor Richard Daley, who had once dismissed the ban as "the silliest law the City Council has ever...
READ MORE - Let's eat!

Oh no, painted dogs!

At Dog Reflections, 15 Photos Of Dogs With Dye Jobs.I don't know why someone would want to dye their dog. The dogs certainly don't seem very happy. They look embarrassed,like this poor thing!Photo by “jenny horror”On the other hand - this poodle looks...
READ MORE - Oh no, painted dogs!