Friday, February 29, 2008

Try another excuse

A mail carrier was trapped inside her car for nearly two hours at a home near Hanover after a pair of dogs attacked her tires, flattening three of them.When the police arrived, the dogs attacked the cruiser's tire as well.Authorities were preparing to...
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Fight to the death

This is the moment a sparrow hawk swoops on a starling before flying away with its prey gripped in its talons - captured by an amateur photographer in his back garden.(more photos)Source: Daily M...
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Billy the boxer adopts a kid

Billy the boxer has become the constant companion of the 12-day old kid called Lilly. He sleeps with the goat, licks her clean, and protects her from any dangers at Pennywell Farm wildlife centre at Buckfastleigh, near Totnes, Devon.The unusual bond...
READ MORE - Billy the boxer adopts a kid

Fail Dogs

Dogs are not perf...
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Leap (frog) Day

What Are You Doing for Leap Day?Starting February 29th more than 70 members of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) will be celebrating "the Year of the Frog!" and holding fun, family-friendly events and programs to educate people about amphibian...
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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Making sugar ants

Click the photo to see how the ants were made.(v...
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I disagree

Robert at Environmental Graffiti is way off base! He has selected five totally cute, harmless and totally lovable baby animals and has accused them of being ugly.Ugly?Shar-Pei Puppies?Look at those floppy little folded ears. Look at that smooshed little...
READ MORE - I disagree

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Seeing is believing in case of orange raccoon

Nobody believed Kevin Blackford when he said an orange raccoon had been eating his cat's food.When Blackford told Craig Reel and the guys over at Reel & Sons Feed Store in Worthington, they all shook their heads at his tall tale. But Blackford insisted...
READ MORE - Seeing is believing in case of orange raccoon

Python Eats Australian Family Dog

A 16-foot python stalked a family dog for days before swallowing the pet whole in front of horrified children in the Australian tropics, animal experts said Wednesday.The boy and girl, ages 5 and 7, watched as the scrub python devoured their silky terrier-Chihuahua...
READ MORE - Python Eats Australian Family Dog

Crowds flock to monkey 'wedding'

Some 3,000 villagers have attended an elaborate Hindu wedding ceremony in eastern India for two monkeys. The "bride" was dressed in a five-metre long sari and decked in flowers. The "groom", a three-year-old male monkey named Manu, was taken by procession...
READ MORE - Crowds flock to monkey 'wedding'

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bear Hunt in Orland Park, IL

Truffles, a light brown fuzzy Kodiak bear that stands four feet tall has been stolen from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Orland Park, IL.The store has video footage of two teen-aged boys taking the bear hostage.Truffles was last was seen wearing...
READ MORE - Bear Hunt in Orland Park, IL

Video: Flocke takes a walk

She's ten weeks old and weights 16 pounds. Watch the video of cute little Floc...
READ MORE - Video: Flocke takes a walk

U.N. Conference Promotes Insect-Eating

Three dozen scientists from 15 countries gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand, this month, at a U.N.-sponsored conference on promoting bugs as a food source.Crickets, caterpillars and grubs are high in protein and minerals and could be an important food...
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German Police Dogs Issued With Boots

Good news for police dogs in the German city of Düsseldorf: They are getting US-made boots with thick rubber soles so that they don't cut their paws while chasing criminals around the city.The dogs will wear the boots while policing demonstrations and...
READ MORE - German Police Dogs Issued With Boots

Monday, February 25, 2008

Vanilla sweetness

Found at the always excellent Biomes B...
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Check local laws on ferret ownership

According to estimates from the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, about 500,000 people own some 2 million ferrets. Ferret folks claim the real numbers are much higher.But ferrets, those slinky, mink-y cousins of weasels, badgers, skunks...
READ MORE - Check local laws on ferret ownership

Earthworms Found To Contain Chemicals

Earthworms studied in agricultural fields have been found to contain organic chemicals from household products and manure, indicating that such substances are entering the food chain.Manure and biosolids, the solid byproduct of wastewater treatment,...
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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Does your dog need to diet?

Is your dog a little on the heavy side?There’s now a tool to help dog owners determine if their pets are overweight or obese – or heading in that direction.Spend a few minutes taking the BARC (Body Assessment Rating for Canines) survey to determine if...
READ MORE - Does your dog need to diet?

The Naked Ape

Cinder, the hairless chimpanzee, is a popular attraction at the St. Louis Zoo in Missouri.Cinder was born with a full coat of hair on August 9, 1994, to mother Mollie, and father, Smoke. When she was about five months old, Cinder began losing some hair....
READ MORE - The Naked Ape

Dine With Death - the Deadliest Delicacies

Poisonous or dangerous food is considered a special delicacy by some cultures in several parts of the world. In most cases, a nice feast may turn into a deadly game of Russian roulette.So, would you take the risks of eating these deadly delicacies?(...
READ MORE - Dine With Death - the Deadliest Delicacies

Eagle Eyes

Eagle Eyes is a game where you can test your skills of observation. There are 5 pairs of photos. Each pair has 5 small differences between them. It's your goal to spot them.(v...
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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tiger wanders out of cage at Honolulu Zoo

Honolulu Zoo officials are taking another look at procedures for keeping their 245-pound Sumatra tiger, Berani, in his cage.The tiger was wandering around an unsecured area just before the zoo's opening on Thursday. A startled female volunteer reported...
READ MORE - Tiger wanders out of cage at Honolulu Zoo

Video: Guinness Penguins

A new Guinness Draught commercial tells a tale of friendship through two penguins' tumultuous journey. The story follows the lives of two penguin friends as they battle for survival against their harsh environment including avalanches and a killer whale...
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Brooklyn welcomes rare red panda Mao Mi

All the other animals must be green with envy.The one getting the most attention at Brooklyn's Prospect Park Zoo these days is Mao Mi, a rare red panda that just arrived from his former home at Michigan's Binder Park Zoo.Red pandas are endangered, and...
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Miami Metrozoo's pet amnesty day

So that pet marmoset, anaconda, or poison dart frog you have isn't really working out.You would like to part with the exotic critter, but it's not like you can just release the little (or huge) guy into the wild, and selling the thing may even be illegal.For...
READ MORE - Miami Metrozoo's pet amnesty day

Friday, February 22, 2008

How a cockroach put 30 people out of work

For the viewers of Turkmenistan's popular nightly news program, Vatan, it was another routine bulletin. But as the newsreader began the 9pm broadcast, viewers across the central Asian country spotted something unusual crawling across the studio table:...
READ MORE - How a cockroach put 30 people out of work

Dog Bone Paper clips

These dog bone shaped paper clips come in a silver tin with a magnetic bottom. Approximately 50 per tin. Cute idea for dog lovers.$4.95 at Pat...
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Give a Dog a Bone

In many legal cases, animals are seen as evidence, but animals are not inanimate objects that can be put in a brown paper bag and left in a locker until their case has been adjudicated.Whether you call them "custody" animals, long term shelter guests,...
READ MORE - Give a Dog a Bone

Dog Bone Earrings

Aren't these cute?Solid dog bone earringsIn 14k yellow gold$696 from Esquivel & F...
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Bones Salt & Pepper Shakers

Los Angeles designer Chris Stiles created these salt and pepper shakers from unglazed refined white clay.Shake them bones$28.00 from ...
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Traveling Cats

Is this the feline version of Spring Break? If so, they're starting a little early, but they're traveling, for sure ...Meatloaf, who took a 3-week cross-country ride locked in a storage container, is headed home to Florida. The 2-year-old gray cat apparently...
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Learn to speak dog

What is your dog trying to say? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.That’s because dogs speak using body language.Type a word into this handy canine translator to see what your pooch is trying to tell you.(v...
READ MORE - Learn to speak dog

Kids' Play

What was this playground designer thinking?(v...
READ MORE - Kids' Play

Political Doggy Treats

Peanut butter & honey flavored political treats for your partisan canine!The perfect gift for the politically savvy and the dogs who have everything.Available as Democratic donkeys and Republican elephants.$8.95 from Organic Doggy KitchenOrganic...
READ MORE - Political Doggy Treats

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Art by Jeff de Boer

Jeff de Boer is a Calgary-based multi-media artist with an international reputation for producing some of the world's most original and well-crafted works of art. With an emphasis on metal, he is best known for such bodies of work as suits of armor for...
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The real ouroboros

The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle. It is one of the oldest mystical symbols in the world. The serpent or dragon appears in Aztec, Middle East, and Native American mythologies,...
READ MORE - The real ouroboros

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Time for a bigger cat door

This is Sooty, a massively overweight fat cat who has been put on a strict diet after getting stuck in his cat door.Source: Daily Mail(v...
READ MORE - Time for a bigger cat door

Sri Lankan Frogmouth

Nathan Yaussy at Endangered Ugly Things wrote about an intriguing bird:Sri Lankan FrogmouthARKive says, "Distinctive in both its appearance and its loud laughing song, the Sri Lankan frogmouth is a tropical bird related to the nightjars. So called because...
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Monday, February 18, 2008

A fun business trip

From February 13 thru February 17, we were in San Diego, attending the Global Pet Expo. The pet industry's largest annual trade show is presented by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA) and Pet Industry Distributors Association...
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