Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Must be a "hunting dog"

Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend, but for Hunter James Harris his pooch wasn't so much good as it was a good shot.Harris was shot by his dog in a bizarre accident, when, according to officials of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, he...
READ MORE - Must be a "hunting dog"

and kangaroos hopping away

Danish police have appealed for public help to track down a kangaroo that escaped from its owner's home in Copenhagen.Two of the fleet-footed native Australian marsupials escaped from their owner's residence in the Copenhagen neighborhood of Amager on...
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Mink on the run

Authorities in Germany are trying to re-capture 7,500 mink who have escaped from a fur farm. The mink stole away after unknown criminals opened a large number of cages and destroyed fences at a fur farm in the early hours of Friday morning, police reported...
READ MORE - Mink on the run

Cat honored by British Navy

Royal Navy officers are paying tribute to Simon the cat, a rat-catcher on the HMS Amethyst who continued his duties despite being hit by shrapnel and singed during shelling raids by Chinese communists on the Yangtze River in 1949.Simon stuck to his task...
READ MORE - Cat honored by British Navy

Oinks or treats!

READ MORE - Oinks or treats!

Auction for the Naming Rights for A New Butterfly Species

In an apparent first for butterflies, the Florida Museum of Natural History is auctioning the naming rights for a newly discovered species online to raise money for butterfly research.University of Florida researchers George Austin and Andrew Warren...
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Arctic Foxes save for lean times

Arctic foxes create "nest eggs" each year to prepare for leaner times, according to a new study.Like squirrels gathering nuts for the winter, the small foxes hoard bird eggs in case there's not enough of their favorite prey—the collard lemming—to go...
READ MORE - Arctic Foxes save for lean times

Video: Ultra Kawaii - Halloween Special

It's a bird, It's a plane, It's a Superman bunny ... no, it's pets dressed for Halloween!(v...
READ MORE - Video: Ultra Kawaii - Halloween Special

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Tribute to Fup. Store Cat.

Fup, the resident cat at Powell's Technical Books, passed away on October 25. She was 19 years old. She continued to greet her admiring public to the end, when her health failed and there was no choice but to put her to sleep. Her lifelong veterinarian...
READ MORE - A Tribute to Fup. Store Cat.

What would you pay?

Worth $22,156.63?The Daily Mail reports that the Ashera is the world's "largest, rarest and most exotic" domestic cat. The large pointed ears and eye-catching coat come from two wild bloodlines, the African serval and Asian leopard cat, crossed with...
READ MORE - What would you pay?

Dressing up a doggie? Put pooch's safety first

About 7 percent of dog owners say they have purchased a Halloween costume for their pet, up from 4 percent in 2004, according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.If you're part of that trend, beware of the hazards of costumes for our...
READ MORE - Dressing up a doggie? Put pooch's safety first

Monday, October 29, 2007

Dogs in costume

Photo: AP/Lisa Poo...
READ MORE - Dogs in costume

Cats in Costume

Photo: AFP/Yoshikazu Ts...
READ MORE - Cats in Costume

Ming the clam is 'oldest animal'

A clam dredged up off the coast of Iceland is thought to have been the longest-lived creature discovered.Scientists said the mollusc, an ocean quahog clam, was aged between 405 and 410 years and could offer insights into the secrets of longevity.Researchers...
READ MORE - Ming the clam is 'oldest animal'

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Swiss Chalet Pet Estate

Swiss Chalet Pet Estate ($8,000)This beautiful house will make your animals feel right at home. This chalet two-dog house designed and built by Alan Mowrer, can be constructed with countless interior and exterior options. Whether it is cable, running...
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Sparkle Spray for Dogs

This fun coat conditioner contains mica chips to add a fun sparkle and shimmer to your dog's coat.This high-quality conditioner is non-staining, antistatic, and also acts as a light-duty detangler. Unscented spray is safe for puppies over 6 weeks old.Not...
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Kong Time for Dogs

Kong Time for DogsKongTime, all day entertainment for the home-alone dog™. Put dog food or treats inside a Kong toy and what do you have? Magic! Your dog will happily chew at the Kong toy, trying to get out every last morsel. It's fun!Simply fill the...
READ MORE - Kong Time for Dogs

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Nap after lunch

READ MORE - Nap after lunch

Meet Harry Potter's Animals

Do you wonder how the scenes involving owls were created and shot for the Harry Potter movies?This article has some interesting "behind the scenes" information. Animals received royal treatment during filming. In many cases, the animals received better...
READ MORE - Meet Harry Potter's Animals

Friday, October 26, 2007

World's Rarest Cat Species Boosted by Newfound Lynx

The world's most endangered cat species may be slightly less endangered than previously thought.A new population of Iberian lynx has been discovered in a remote area of Spain—raising the number of known populations from two to three—a conservation group...
READ MORE - World's Rarest Cat Species Boosted by Newfound Lynx

Pool Party

Bob and Judi Olwine's home in Woodstock, near Patapsco Valley State Park, is where the deer play.Judi and her husband decided to do what any baffled suburban couple would do in this situation: They got rifles from the hall closet and ...Just kiddi...
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The hellbender

Which salamanders have four legs, a flat head, a paddle-like tail, beady little eyes and are called names like "snot otter" and "devil dog"?Also known as Allegheny alligator, mollyhugger, and mud cat, the hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) is...
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Understanding Endangered Frog's Diet And Environment May Save It

A brightly colored tropical frog under threat of extinction is the focus of a new research project hoping to better understand how environment and diet influence its development and behavior.Biologists from The University of Manchester have teamed up...
READ MORE - Understanding Endangered Frog's Diet And Environment May Save It

What's sweet and green?

This sculpted cake, created by Marked for Dessert, depicts momma frog and baby frog. Made entirely of cake and rolled fondant, this cake was created for a baby show...
READ MORE - What's sweet and green?

Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary

The Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary in Montana rescues and shelters disabled animals. Every animal who arrives at the sanctuary gets another chance to have a safe and loving home. Residents include blind dogs, blind horses, deaf dogs, blind cats,...
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Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)

A captive Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA. This critically endangered subspecies of the Gray Wolf once ranged from central Mexico to the Southwestern United States. In 1980, the last five...
READ MORE - Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Road hog

There was no time for social niceties, table manners or even a please and thank you.When little pigs insist on stopping for lunch, there's nothing much a mother on the move can do."The sow was feeding her piglets in the middle of the road and there was...
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Death by monkey in Delhi

The deputy mayor of the Indian capital Delhi has died a day after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys.SS Bajwa suffered serious head injuries when he fell from the first-floor terrace of his home trying to fight off the monkeys.The city has long...
READ MORE - Death by monkey in Delhi

Halloween Costume Contest

Pal is a 10 year old Great Dane, dressed up for Halloween as a race horse complete with her friend Snap the Chihuahua as her jockey.Does your dog have a great Halloween costume? Then enter the Second Annual Dog Halloween Photo Contest. If...
READ MORE - Halloween Costume Contest

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Video: Lobster dog

READ MORE - Video: Lobster dog

Woman Wants Service Horse As Roommate

The Central Vermont Community Land Trust usually has no objection to a service animal moving into its apartments.But Patty Cooper's service animal is a horse of a different color: a black and white miniature horse, to be exact.The nonprofit housing group...
READ MORE - Woman Wants Service Horse As Roommate

Rare Blue Lobster Caught Off Mass. Coast

A blue lobster, so rare that only one in two million have the color, has been trapped off the Massachusetts coast.The lobster, nicknamed Betty Blue, was found in a trap off Minot's Light, one mile offshore of Scituate, Mass.The lobster is so blue that...
READ MORE - Rare Blue Lobster Caught Off Mass. Coast

Lobster man

READ MORE - Lobster man

Monday, October 22, 2007

Beautiful White Lion

The Latin name of Panthera leo krugeri is not limited to white lions. It applies to all South African lion subspecies; the prides of which are mostly located in Kruger National Park and nearby game reserves.White lions are not albino as they have pigmentation...
READ MORE - Beautiful White Lion

British Wildlife Recordings

Listen to over 600 recordings of wildlife from around the UK. Captured by three British wildlife enthusiasts from the 1960s to the 1990s, most are published here for the first ti...
READ MORE - British Wildlife Recordings

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Feline Solarium

Great for small dogs, pet birds, and free roaming lizards!Makes a great addition as an inside garden spot for plants and seedlings.Give your cat "the outdoor experience" within the safety of your home.If you have a cat and a window you will enjoy The...
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Pet Fashion Hits Harrods

A range of designer fashion for pets will go on sale in a special collection in Harrods stores next month.The very best doggy creations will be showcased in the Pet a Porter collection including a £2,500 diamond and sapphire encrusted Vivienne Westwood...
READ MORE - Pet Fashion Hits Harrods

So - where exactly would you wear this to?

READ MORE - So - where exactly would you wear this to?

Sock Monkey Attack

"Fearless Sadie" uploaded by Canoni...
READ MORE - Sock Monkey Attack

Pink baby sock monkey

"Pink baby sockmonkey" uploaded by mollychicken...
READ MORE - Pink baby sock monkey


Woolies are created using a technique called needle-felting. In addition to selecting the highest quality pure carded bulk wool from Australia, America and England in various colors, each Woolie is treated to be moth-resistant.To begin, the wool is pressed...
READ MORE - Wooliedales

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Video: Food stealing cat

Flisek the cat just doesn't want to sha...
READ MORE - Video: Food stealing cat

Video: 2008 Jeep Liberty "Pouring In" Commercial

Absolutely cute, adorable and funny commercial.(v...
READ MORE - Video: 2008 Jeep Liberty "Pouring In" Commercial

Video: Baby Porcupine Eats A Banana and Has Hiccups!

A baby porcupine eats a banana. You'll hear tiny squeaks--those are hiccups!His mother was killed when she was hit by a car and he was cared for by licensed wildlife rehabilitator Gail Buhl. He was orphaned and imprinted on humans and is now living at...
READ MORE - Video: Baby Porcupine Eats A Banana and Has Hiccups!

Halloween Eyeball Cupcakes

Yes, they have unleashed devilishly decorated spooky Halloween Eyeball cupcakes for all those crazy canines - original and spooky good! A wonderful soft treat any dog will lo...
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Rare leatherback sea turtles hatch in Walton, FL

Walton County’s fi rst-ever documented leatherback sea turtle nest has hatched, and 23 babies have made their way safely to the Gulf of Mexico.After 79 days of close watch by the South Walton Turtle Watch Group, Walton County’s sea turtle nest No. 12,...
READ MORE - Rare leatherback sea turtles hatch in Walton, FL

Bald Eagle

READ MORE - Bald Eagle

Squirrel Foster Mom

Photo: Karen T. Borchers / Mercury NewsMary Nacey, of San Carlos Peninsula Humane Society, is the "squirrel whisperer."Nancey is the one the shelter's Wildlife Care Center entrusts with its most fragile rescues: baby squirrels. She gives them the mothering...
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Meet the latest designer pet

A bizarre breed of guinea pig that was created for laboratory testing more than 30 years ago has become the latest designer pet.The skinny-pig has no hair on its body except for tufts on its face and feet - so needs strong suncream in the summer and...
READ MORE - Meet the latest designer pet

On second thought, I'll hold it.

A 38-year-old Brooklyn woman got quite a surprise when she used her bathroom Monday morning.The New York Daily News is reporting that Nadege Brunacci was washing her hands when she glanced at the toilet and saw a 7-foot python staring back at h...
READ MORE - On second thought, I'll hold it.

Fish in trees

Scientists have discovered that the mangrove killifish spends several months of every year out of the water and living inside trees.Hidden away inside rotten branches and trunks, the remarkable creatures temporarily alter their biological makeup so they...
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I'm an animal

The New York Zoos and Aquarium has developed a Web site that allows visitors to transform themselves into an animal, or combination of animals, of their choice.The photo at left is what I looked like before I start...
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Turtle Tipping Tricks Revealed

With a flat shell, the Argentine snake-necked turtle (Hydromedusa tectifera) often rights itself by pressing its head against the ground with its muscular neck, levering itself onto its belly. Credit: Gaabor Domokos.For turtles, lying belly-up is a helpless,...
READ MORE - Turtle Tipping Tricks Revealed

Was that d-e-e-r or d-e-a-r?

Fifth-grade students in a vocabulary class in Aberdeen, N.J., got an unexpected lesson in animal sciences when a deer crashed through their classroom window.Teachers Brenda Adelson and Bonnie McCullough had just moved from the front of the room when...
READ MORE - Was that d-e-e-r or d-e-a-r?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Video: Wake up Cat

This is exactly what my cat Bandit does to me every morning.(v...
READ MORE - Video: Wake up Cat

The sweetest monkey you will ever see

"Straight into the heart.." uploaded by hv...
READ MORE - The sweetest monkey you will ever see