Sunday, September 30, 2007

Two-headed turtle goes on display

A two-headed turtle captured by a turtle collector is a rare example of a conjoined-twin birth, its owner said.The turtle would have likely died in the wild because it swims awkwardly and would be an easy target for predators, according to Jay Jacoby,...
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MonKEYS are stretchable durable covers that fit over almost any shape key, adding a playful touch to a normally ho-hum object.You can even give 'em names. These are Cheeky, Che, Kong, Darwin, Spank, and Bob.(v...


MunchlersA lunch box that would captivate every kid, or kid at heart, lunch boxes in the shape of zoo animals, designed by Stephen Sava...
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The eglu for rabbits

The eglu for rabbitsThe eglu has a front door which opens using the handle on the top. This handle also locks the door so when your rabbits are in the run you can clean the eglu, without the chance of them escaping! When your rabbits are in the eglu,...
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Animal Globe

"Animal Globe"Compact, colorful and educational globe,featuring more than 100 animals shown in relation to their country of orgin. Includes a pocket size encyclopedia with facts about each anim...
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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Video: I Like To Move It, Move It

"I Like To Move It, Move It," from the movie Madagasc...
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Video: Say, "Cheese!"

Dog smiles for the came...
READ MORE - Video: Say, "Cheese!"

Video: Bath time, baby

Amelie gives three-weeks-old Linda a bath.(v...
READ MORE - Video: Bath time, baby

Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh, that's just too funny!

Source: wftv.comPhoto credit: Karen Holl...
READ MORE - Oh, that's just too funny!

Pupperware, anyone?

One of the hottest new concepts in critterland is the home pet party, a gathering of animals and the people who are willing to open their wallets for them. The events are ringing up revenues for companies like Shure Pets, based in Chicago."The pet economy...
READ MORE - Pupperware, anyone?

Video: Fighting Giraffes

Great footage of fighting giraffes, but it gets pretty vicious at times. Filmed on safari in Tanzania.(v...
READ MORE - Video: Fighting Giraffes

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Camouflaged Animals

Some animals have to blend in with their natural environment in order to not get eaten by other animals.More at: Very Bo...
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Art by Mike Libby - Insect Lab

Insect Lab is an artist operated studio that customizes real insects with antique watch parts and electronic components. Offering a variety of specimens that come in many shapes, sizes and colors; each specimen is individually designed and hand- assembled,...
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Dogs & Aviation Security

The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) National Explosives Detection Canine Team Program is an important tool used to deter terrorism in aviation today. Their teams are the most mobile form of explosive detection and can be utilized in all...
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A horse is a horse, of course, of course

Customs agents in Atlanta said nay to a person trying to smuggle a small horse inside a dog crate from Germany to Guatemala.Officials at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport said the passenger who bright the small show horse onto a plane apparently...
READ MORE - A horse is a horse, of course, of course

Armor for Dogs!

Organic Armor creates handmade costume pieces, jewelry and props that look like ancient metal, bone and leather. But unlike the real thing - you'll find the pieces lightweight and comfortable. Wear them for hours through active movement - especially...
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Video: Seagull Thief

A seagull in Scotland has developed the habit of stealing chips from a neighborhood shop.The seagull waits until the shopkeeper isn't looking, and then walks into the store and grabs a snack-size bag of cheese Doritos.Once outside, the bag gets ripped...
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Pretend They're Raisinettes

Mental Floss has collected Six Unexpected Uses For Animal Dung.These lovely earrings were made from moose droppings.Please discourage earlobe nibbling while wearing th...
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Lifestyles Of The Pets Of The Rich And Famous

When it was disclosed that Leona Helmsley had made her pet Maltese Trouble her biggest heir, leaving a $12 million trust fund for her pet, researched the spending habits of the very rich and their pets.According to Russ Alan Prince, of Prince...
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Sound Activated Mini Dancing Monkeys

Sound Activated Mini Dancing MonkeysPlastic toys, fashioned like monkeys that dance upon sound activation.(v...
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Alpacas on guard

A Cornish egg farm has recruited two Peruvian alpacas to act as security guards for their hens.The animals, named William and Harry, keep predators away from speciality egg producer Clarence Court's hens near Camborne.(v...
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In the footsteps of Genghis Khan

An Australian man has completed a three-year journey from Mongolia to Hungary, following in the footsteps of the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan.When Tim Cope began his 10,000 km (6,200 mile) journey in June 2004 he expected it to take 18 months.However,...
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Rare albino ratfish caught in Washington

A ghostly, mutant ratfish caught off Whidbey Island in Washington state is the only completely albino fish ever seen by both the curator of the University of Washington's 7.2 million-specimen fish collection and a fish and wildlife biologist with more...
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Bugs can be cute

This is a Spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar. Isn't he cute?They are bright green with numerous blue spots with thin black outlines. Their eyespots are much bigger, with the black part being kind of shiny. They also have two other secondary fake eye spots...
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Online Guide to Insect Songs

Online Guide to Insect Songs, brought to you to complement the book, The Songs of Insects. Here you will be introduced to the songs of 76 species of crickets, katydids, and cicad...
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Monday, September 24, 2007

The world's wildest delicacies

Joe Staton, formerly of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, spent an unhealthily long time studying whether everything really does taste of chicken. He concluded that taste is, in large part, to do with the evolutionary origin of an animal....
READ MORE - The world's wildest delicacies

Drunken Duck Decapitator

Scott D. Clark, a guest at the Embassy Suites Hotel in St. Paul, was in custody Sunday after police said he ripped the head off a tame duck that lived in a hotel lobby's ornamental pond.Clark cornered the duck early Saturday morning, grabbed the bird...
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Rare white koala

This koala is incredibly rare because although he has white fur instead of the usual grey/brown, he has the normal black eyes and nose.The creature, nicknamed Mick, was found blind and suffering from a variety of illnesses by a forest ranger and taken...
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Bees smother enemies to death

Honey bees can smother their enemies to death by swarming them, researchers report.The discovery means that bees have three ways of dispatching their enemies: by stinging, which for a bee means suicide; by raising the other creature's body temperature,...
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Topiary Art Designs

Artist Steve Manning of topiary art designs makes custom and bespoke feature topiaries and stainless steel topiary frames for gardens designers, landscapers, theme parks, civic amenities, exhibitions, garden shows and event promotions.(v...
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Bird feeder

READ MORE - Bird feeder

Counting Sheep Cake

READ MORE - Counting Sheep Cake

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Transparent Frogs

A research team led by professor Masayuki Sumida at Hiroshima University’s Institute for Amphibian Biology has created a type of transparent frog whose internal organs are visible through its skin. The researchers say the see-through frogs can help in...
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Electric Pink Bunny Slippers

Greg Solberg, Firmware Engineer at Tesla Motors, and his girlfriend Lisa built a pair of giant motorized bunny slippers that they could drive. They are 7.5-feet long and can scoot along at a top speed of about 15 mph. Both feet (yes, there is a left...
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Big Head Fred Treat Canister

Big Head Fred Treat CanisterI'm Big Head Fred so fill me with treats 'cause every good dog deserves good eats! Big Head Fred's mouth rolls back to reveal tasty treats and is made of metal. Holds 18 ...
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Bush Biskit Dog Treats

Bush Biskit Dog TreatsMaybe it's time to sit your puppy down and have a serious talk about the facts. It's time you found out if your little bundle of unconditional love is a conservative, a liberal or a new fandangled progressive. Maybe you need...
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Kitty For All Seasons

Kitty For All SeasonsCelebrate the seasons with this 12-pc. kitty and outfit set. Hand-painted polyresin cat comes complete with wardrobe for Christmas, Easter, 4th of July and Hallowe...
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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cute and cuddly

This seven-week-old panda cub has become one of San Diego Zoo's most famous babes, though she is yet to be named.In accordance with Chinese tradition, she will have to wait until November, when she is 100 days old, to receive her name.San Diego Zoo's...
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"Nonexistent" Flying Fox Discovered

This unusual species of flying fox was recently discovered in the Philippines not long after it was deemed not to exist.Jake Esselstyn, a biologist with the University of Kansas, was among a team of researchers that found the animal, a type of fruit...
READ MORE - "Nonexistent" Flying Fox Discovered

Photography by ucumari / Valerie

"ucumari" is the Flickr account name for Valerie who is a volunteer at the NC Zoo. She loves to travel to other zoos and take some excellent animal photos."Just me and my Mommie!"(v...
READ MORE - Photography by ucumari / Valerie

Getting Down and Dirty with Cat Litter

Just in case you were wondering - here's how the use of cat litter beg...
READ MORE - Getting Down and Dirty with Cat Litter

Video: Cute bunnies

2 very cute little baby bunnies(v...
READ MORE - Video: Cute bunnies

Video: Hamster piano and pop corn

criceto rosicchia popcorn sdraiato sui tasti del pianoforte.. gustoso!(v...
READ MORE - Video: Hamster piano and pop corn

Friday, September 21, 2007

Should have put up the "Do Not Disturb Sign"

A male elk was killed during mating season in Sweden after he attacked a car for disturbing him while he was courting a female elk.L...
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Cute Baby Elephant

A newborn 238 pound female African elephant calf stays close to her mother Umoya just hours after her birth at the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park on September 19, 2007 at 12:23 a.m. This is the fourth African elephant calf to be born at the Wild Animal...
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Rare Pigs

Pig Paradise Farm is also the home of the spectacular 'Curly Coated' Breed, first in UK for 34 years.(v...
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That's a pricey blue dog!

Art Market Watch reports that George Rodrigue's 2000 Blue Dog painting The Path of the Candles, estimated to sell for $80,000, went for $115,000 at Sotheby's "Contemporary Art Mid-Season" sale in New York on Sept. 12, 20...
READ MORE - That's a pricey blue dog!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dolphin seeking human friendship

A lone dolphin is making friends with sailors and lifeboat crews around the south-west of England.The dolphin, named Findol after a children's book character, was pictured playing with the Penlee lifeboat crew this week off the Cornish coast.It is believed...
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Monkey thievery

A 20-year-old man and 18-year-old woman are accused of stealing a tiny baby marmoset from the Zoo of Acadiana, LA.Neither said why they took the tiny animal, which was still nursing and weighs less than an egg.The monkey has been reunited with its m...
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Mystery of German exploding toads

Toads in an area of northern Germany are being killed off by a mysterious disease - they are exploding.Thousands of the amphibians have died in recent days in a pond in Hamburg's Altona district.Scientists are baffled. Possible explanations include a...
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A man in Oregon nearly died after a pet rattlesnake that he put in his mouth while drinking with some friends bit him inside his throat.Matt Wilkinson said when he put his eastern diamondback rattlesnake down his throat, he immediately noticed a shot-like...

Greenies dog treat lawsuit settled

The makers of Greenies, one of the nation's best-selling dog treats, have settled a class-action lawsuit claiming the teeth-cleaning product injured or killed close to a dozen dogs.U.S. District Judge Gary Fenner on Monday agreed with a joint request...
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

USA Rawhide Treats

Oh, Yummy, Yummy!Freda's human companion found real, genuine, USA rawhide treats for her enjoyment!Yup, they bought them from purchases all of their USA rawhide treats from Pet Factory. Pet Factory, located in Mundelein, Illinois,...
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Pirates among us!

Did you know?Today is "Speak like a pirate da...
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Almost set in stone

ACWORTH, Ga. -- Construction workers at a high school were shocked to find a small kitten trapped inside poured concrete on Friday.The small kitten almost became a permanent part of a school under construction when it got trapped beneath concrete that...
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Alaska Bird Makes Longest Nonstop Flight Ever Measured

A female shorebird was recently found to have flown 7,145 miles (11,500 kilometers) nonstop from Alaska to New Zealand—without taking a break for food or drink.It's the longest nonstop bird migration ever measured, according to biologists who tracked...
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