Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hello Kitty Dog

It doesn’t take long for Hello Kitty fanatics to take a bad idea of the Hello Kitty cat and make it even worse. When it comes to Hello Kittifying, no pet is safe, even if you’re a dog:"~Hello Jasmine~" originally uploaded by RavenNW(v...
READ MORE - Hello Kitty Dog

Romania confronts huge meat pile

Yuck!A Romanian company is accused of dumping 47 tonnes of animal carcasses on the outskirts of Bucharest.The firm, Protan, could be fined up to £10,000 ($20,000) and those found responsible could face jail terms.The carcasses are rotting amid heat of...
READ MORE - Romania confronts huge meat pile

The abandoned ducklings raised in a teacup

A pair of tiny abandoned ducklings found battling against waves after being washed out to sea are being nursed back to health - in a teacup.Their rescuer, canoeist Chris Murray, is nursing them back to health.(v...
READ MORE - The abandoned ducklings raised in a teacup

The Pet Economy

Americans spend an astonishing $41 billion a year on their furry friendsAmericans now spend $41 billion a year on their pets—more than the gross domestic product of all but 64 countries in the world. That's double the amount shelled out on pets a decade...
READ MORE - The Pet Economy

Lost love bird found inside plane from Bangkok

An African love bird caused a commotion inside a Philippine Airlines (PAL) flight from Bangkok upon landing in Manila Sunday evening after it was seen fluttering through the passenger cabin as the last passengers disembarked from the aircraft.The airline...
READ MORE - Lost love bird found inside plane from Bangkok

Monday, July 30, 2007

Boozy bird banned after sticking beak in beer

An alcoholic crow that sticks his beak in people's pints of lager has been banned from his favourite pub.According to the UK's The Sun, the boozy bird, nicknamed Carling by drinkers, swoops on customers' pints whenever they turn their backs.Sarah Wyatt,...
READ MORE - Boozy bird banned after sticking beak in beer

Hollywood pigeons to be put on the pill

Hollywood residents believe they’ve found a humane way to reduce their pigeon population and the messes the birds make: the pill.Over the next few months a birth control product called OvoControl P, which interferes with egg development, will be placed...
READ MORE - Hollywood pigeons to be put on the pill

Romeo guinea pig causes baby boom

A guinea pig called Sooty enjoyed a night of passion with 24 females after fooling his way into their cage in south Wales.Sooty wooed the lady guinea pigs, one by one, and has now become the proud father of 42 baby guinea pigs from his two nights of...
READ MORE - Romeo guinea pig causes baby boom

Plane Diverted By Dog On Runway

A US Airways jet was diverted as it came in for landing at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix on Thursday because a dog was running loose on the runway.The dog, which appeared to be a stray, turned up on the runway on the south side of the airport around...
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Cute Owston's Palm Civets

A zoo-bred Owston's Palm Civet cub (L), the first artificially bred civet in the Hanoi Zoo is seen with its mother at the zoo in Hanoi, Viet Nam, July 23, 2007. The Owston's Palm Civet is an extremely rare species which is only found in northern Viet...
READ MORE - Cute Owston's Palm Civets

Experiments on animals soar

Animal testing in Britain has reached a 15-year high and is set to go on rising.The growing use of genetically-modified mice in scientific research last year pushed the total number of animals used in laboratory testing to more than three million for...
READ MORE - Experiments on animals soar

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fish Condo

Fish CondoDoesn't your fish deserve to live as stylishly as you do? This fish condo not only breaks up the monotony of one-bowl swimming, it makes your fish the envy of his friends. 3 interconnected globes create a 3-room living spa...
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my faux paws

Bridal shop for dogs.(v...
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Owl Pin

Owl PinThis Cute Owl Pin is all HandMade with Polymer Clay. He is about 1 1/2 inches high, with a basic pin back on his back.He sure is a Hoot!...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Open wide!

"feeding time" originally uploaded by mendra...
READ MORE - Open wide!

Video: Penguin Drama Unfolds as Antarctica Heats Up

Recent temperature increases in the icy continent are impacting some penguins' abilities to feed and breed, creating population dips in species that can't handle the heat.Go into the field with researchers studying Antarctica's wildlife, and find out...
READ MORE - Video: Penguin Drama Unfolds as Antarctica Heats Up

Video: Pit Bull and Chicks

Sharky the pit bull makes friends with some chicks.Just to prove they weren't his dinner, here they are 2 months la...
READ MORE - Video: Pit Bull and Chicks

Video: Puppy vs. Kitten

Very cute & funny video.(v...
READ MORE - Video: Puppy vs. Kitten

Friday, July 27, 2007

Hello Kitty!

READ MORE - Hello Kitty!

Time runs out for Hindu temple's sacred bull

A sacred bull seized from a Hindu monastery in Wales because he tested positive for tuberculosis has been slaughtered.The plight of Shambo the bull had attracted international attention since his diagnosis this spring and prompted an Internet campaign...
READ MORE - Time runs out for Hindu temple's sacred bull

Rare Siberian tiger cubs born at zoo

Lenuta and Costel, two tiger cubs from one of the world's most endangered species, the Siberian tiger, were born in a Romanian zoo this year.The Siberian tiger, native to northern China, southern Russia and parts of North Korea is on the brink of extinction...
READ MORE - Rare Siberian tiger cubs born at zoo

VapoRub helps warring meerkats become best of friends

Three new arrivals at Paultons Park, near Ower, have been introduced to the park's two resident meerkats.To prevent the animals from attacking the newcomers - which is the usual instinct for meerkats - the keepers came up with the ingenious idea of using...
READ MORE - VapoRub helps warring meerkats become best of friends

Dog sniffs out mold problem

When Paul Hewitt wants to check whether mold exists in a home or building, he brings along his two-year old beagle, Kody.That's important because Kody does the work.When Hewitt says "show me," she sniffs out the mold by pointing her nose at the spot...
READ MORE - Dog sniffs out mold problem

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Blogathon '07

Blogathon '07 will be on July 28th this year.Jill, at Jilbean, says,"Of course I am participating! I will stay up for 24 hours and post a cute animal picture every 1/2 hour for the day! I choose to post animal pictures - as animal photography is a huge...
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Hummingbird Feast

"monarda" originally uploaded by corsiphotoI thank my Bee Balm for attracting hummingbirds to my garden. They are such a delight to watch and such a surprise for many visitors who have never seen a hummingbird before, or even believe that we have them...
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Oscar the Cat Predicts Patients' Deaths

Oscar the cat seems to have an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die, by curling up next to them during their final hours. His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to call family members once he has chosen...
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Poor, traveling baby siamang

Sungai, an 11-month-old siamang at the San Francisco Zoo who was rejected by her parents in Albuquerque and then by her fellow apes in Houston, will be moving to Kentucky soon in her ongoing search for a family.Three human foster parents at the zoo had...
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A honking pile of poop

In California, downtown Oakland's bucolic nature reserve has such a serious overpopulation of Canada geese -- which drop about a ton of poop a week on the 122-acre park -- that the city is considering introducing dogs to herd the geese into fenced enclosures,...
READ MORE - A honking pile of poop

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Horny Hedgehogs Spark Police Callout

Two hedgehogs triggered a nocturnal police operation in Germany this week after the spiky little mammals awoke neighbors with their loud, shameless mating. They went on fornicating even as a crowd gathered to watch them. In fact the attention made them...
READ MORE - Horny Hedgehogs Spark Police Callout

Voracious Jumbo Squid Invade California

Jumbo squid that can grow up to 7 feet long and weigh more than 110 pounds are invading central California waters and preying on local anchovy, hake and other commercial fish populations.An aggressive predator, the Humboldt squid—or Dosidicus gigas—can...
READ MORE - Voracious Jumbo Squid Invade California

Rats and cats work to sniff out Colombia mines

Colombia is home to the world's largest number of land mine victims. Last year, there were 1,108 victims, or about one every eight hours, the government says. Nearly a quarter of the victims die from their injuries.For the past year, a special Colombian...
READ MORE - Rats and cats work to sniff out Colombia mines

Octopus unearths 900-year-old hidden treasure

It is a story that combines all the great mysteries and exciting discoveries of the sea – an octopus hauled onto a fishing boat with valuable ancient pottery attached to its suckers.The discovery is being hailed as one of the great undersea treasure...
READ MORE - Octopus unearths 900-year-old hidden treasure

Counting Swans

Volunteers have been taking part in one of the most popular wildlife events of the British summer - the bi-annual count-up of hundreds of swans at a Dorset swannery.A colony of the birds has lived at Abbotsbury sanctuary since medieval times and keeping...
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Prehistoric mastodon found in northern Greece

The remains of a prehistoric mastodon - a mammoth-like animal - have been found in northern Greece, including intact long tusks.The mastodon's tusks measure 5m (16.5ft) and 4m. They are the longest tusks ever found on a prehistoric elephant-like animal.The...
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'Goose Whisperer' Bonds With Park Birds

Martin Hof has become a minor celebrity here, in part for his ability to communicate with fowl, which some say borders on the magical. And while there's something special, and a little comical, about watching him talking, humming, and yes, whispering...
READ MORE - 'Goose Whisperer' Bonds With Park Birds

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Scientists map elephant evolution

Scientists say they have calculated the date at which the African and the Asian elephant went their separate ways.The two elephant species diverged from a common ancestor some 7.6 million years ago, experts working in the US, Germany and Switzerland...
READ MORE - Scientists map elephant evolution

Of mice and mourners (and taxidermy)

In a funeral home in Wisconsin, past the visitation parlor and a rack of pamphlets on cremation, down a set of dark stairs, a dead squirrel rides a plastic horse. His tiny mouth permanently frozen in a cowboy's holler, he raises his straw hat with one...
READ MORE - Of mice and mourners (and taxidermy)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cop Shoots 200 Pound Pet Pig

MACON, GA (AP) -- A Georgia family is upset with their local sheriff's office after a deputy shot and killed their pet pig.Janice Jones said that Gator, a black, potbellied pig, was a friendly animal that her family had owned for five years and that...
READ MORE - Cop Shoots 200 Pound Pet Pig

Chihuahua saves baby from rattlesnake

A pet Chihuahua in Masonville, Colo., is being credited with saving a toddler from a striking rattlesnake.1-year-old Booker West was splashing his hands in a birdbath in his grandparents' northern Colorado back yard when the snake raced to the toddler...
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White Animal Safari

Neatorama's post about London's white chipmunk led us on a hunt for white animals around the world.Migaloo, the baby whale, was found off Heron Island, on Queensland, Australia's central coast. He is believed to be the only completely white humpback...
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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Anti-Bark Dog Collar

Anti-Bark Dog CollarThe Gentle Spray TM Anti-Bark Collar is the most humane and effective nuisance barking solution. It delivers a harmless burst of citronella to interrupt your dog's barking. Twice as effective as electric sho...
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AppeTeasers® Cat Toys

AppeTeasers® Cat Toy Series!The perfect bite-sized toy, Appeteasers® will make every hour Happy Hour! Just the right size for airborne fun, plus they’re satisfyingly stuffed with our mouth-watering Zoom Around the Room® organic catnip. Get ‘em while...
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Talking Babble Ball

Talking Babble BallThe Talking Babble Ball is an interactive toy that talks to your pet when touched. The improved technology is so sensitive it can be triggered by a pet breathing on it, or just by the vibration of a pet walking past it. When play is...
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Video: Panda Escape

An escaping panda is caught on video. (Turn down your volume.)(v...
READ MORE - Video: Panda Escape

Video: Danger Bird's Ride

Bird hitches a ride to work.Music: Bamboleio by The Gipsy Kings(v...
READ MORE - Video: Danger Bird's Ride

Friday, July 20, 2007

Photography by Christopher Pethick

"Happy Fr...
READ MORE - Photography by Christopher Pethick

White Chipmunk

A white chipmunk has moved into Ron Dawson's front yard in north London and is defending its territory."He chases away blue jays and morning doves. It's a wonder he's survived because he really sticks out against the background," Dawson said.The white...
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Teens Allegedly Taunt Hippos and Survive

Two fourteen-year-old boys, while trying to impress a girl, climbed into the hippo exhibit at the Kansas City Zoo and threw rocks at the two-ton mammals.John Davis, a national expert on hippos, said it was a crazy stunt, considering the animals' weight...
READ MORE - Teens Allegedly Taunt Hippos and Survive

Thursday, July 19, 2007

German zoo faces charges for selling animals as food

A mayor in eastern Germany has filed charges against workers at his local zoo for shooting animals and selling them as meat.A spokeswoman for the mayor's office said deer were among the animals killed and sold by workers at Erfurt Zoo without permission...
READ MORE - German zoo faces charges for selling animals as food

Man Infected With Flesh-Eating Bacteria

Bacteria Caught While Fishing!A man is fighting for his life after he was infected with a deadly flesh-eating bacteria.Steve Gilpatrick said he and his family go to Galveston every year for a week of vacation."We have a big family and everybody comes...
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Keeping up with the Joneses dog

If you want your dog to keep up with the Joneses dog, you should know they're spending $107 a year on his treats and toys.And that chunk of change is just a drop in the pet spending bucket, according to information from the American Pet Products Manufacturers...
READ MORE - Keeping up with the Joneses dog

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mysterious Fly Invasion in Pennsylvania

One Lancaster County neighborhood has flies -- swarms of them."There's always flies, always, not one -- a lot," said homeowner Tracey Little."It's horrible, absolutely horrible. You can't go out on your deck. You go out to sit in the sun and you're covered...
READ MORE - Mysterious Fly Invasion in Pennsylvania

Diapers on Donkeys?

Donkey owners in the Kenyan town of Limuru are up in arms over an order from the municipal authorities that their animals must wear nappies (diapers.)But recent press coverage and outrage from the town's residents has led the authorities to put their...
READ MORE - Diapers on Donkeys?

The Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar

READ MORE - The Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar

U.S.-born panda finds double happiness in China

A U.S.-born giant panda has given birth to twin cubs in a research center in southwest China, state media reported on Tuesday, its third pair of twins so far.Eight-year-old Huamei, whose name means "China America," gave birth to the first cub at Sichuan...
READ MORE - U.S.-born panda finds double happiness in China

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Pair of cats socks it to neighbors

Found: 17 pairs of socks, not all match. Roger and Catherine Dellor's cats - Cleo and Tony - have been bringing them presents: someone else's socks. "At first, it was just one or two," said Roger Dellor. "Now, they are arriving every day." The...
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Rare red pandas born at Edmonton Zoo

Zookeepers across the continent are celebrating the birth of two extremely rare red pandas at Edmonton's Valley Zoo.The cubs, which were born at 3:26 a.m. Tuesday, are part of a very small population of red pandas in the world. It's estimated that there...
READ MORE - Rare red pandas born at Edmonton Zoo

Meet the original Firefox

The real fire fox in nature is actually called Red Panda, Ailurus fulgens, an endangered species. It is is a mostly herbivorous mammal, slightly larger than a domestic cat (55 cm long). This red panda has semi-retractile claws and, like the Giant Panda,...
READ MORE - Meet the original Firefox

Red Panda Escapes From Zoo Exhibit Again

Virginia Zoo officials on Monday began trimming the landscaping around a new red panda exhibit after the animal escaped for the second time in less than a month.Yin, a 1-year-old that resembles a raccoon with red, white and black fur, was discovered...
READ MORE - Red Panda Escapes From Zoo Exhibit Again

Rare white ravens

Birds of a feather stick together. But helpers at the Weardale Animal Sanctuary in County Durham were still astonished to find these three rare white ravens huddled close in a nearby churchyard.The birds, which have snow-white colouring and blue eyes...
READ MORE - Rare white ravens

Ernest Hemingway and Cats

When you hear of Hemingway and Key West, you immediately imagine a yardful of six-toed cats. But Key West was not the only town known for Hemingway cats. In Cuba, Ernest’s hilltop home, Finca Vigia [Lookout Farm], once had fifty-seven cats roaming its...
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Bear Rummages In Elderly Woman's Home

Gladys Clark is thinking she ought to get herself a slingshot so she'll be ready the next time a bear comes for breakfast.The 91-year-old Montana woman said she was handy with one when she was a girl. She could have used a slingshot Sunday morning, when...
READ MORE - Bear Rummages In Elderly Woman's Home

Monday, July 16, 2007

Creating a Cute Cat Frenzy

Take a picture of a cat doing something cute. Then make up a caption--something witty that the cat would be saying if cats could talk. Bear in mind that cats can't spell all that well and that they're not so hot on subject-verb agreement either. Photoshop...
READ MORE - Creating a Cute Cat Frenzy

Big Wendy the muscular whippet

People mistake her for a pitbull with a pinhead, but Wendy the whippet is one rare breed.Wendy is a 27-kilogram rippling mass of muscle. Forget the so-called six-pack stomach: Wendy has a 24-pack. And the muscles around her neck are so thick, they look...
READ MORE - Big Wendy the muscular whippet

Powerful New Poison found in Deadly Sea Snails

Spies with a penchant for exotic poisons can add a new one to their list – snail venom.For more than 23 years, Professor Baldomero M. Olivera has been studying snail venom. This week, his team at the University of Utah reported their discovery of a completely...
READ MORE - Powerful New Poison found in Deadly Sea Snails

Rare Przewalski's horse foal born in Canada

A Przewalski's horse filly has been born at Toronto Zoo, the first such birth in 15 years. Solstice was born on June 22.Przewalski's horses were once declared extinct in the wild, although re-introduction efforts have taken place. At present, the Zoo's...
READ MORE - Rare Przewalski's horse foal born in Canada