Friday, August 15, 2008

Teens can help eliminate puppy mills

According to Deborah Howard, President of the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS), “more than 90 percent of pet shops obtain their puppies from puppy mills” that completely disregard the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of the animals they mass produce each year.

“Puppy mills exist solely for profit, with the dogs treated like puppy-producing machines that turn feed into puppies,” said a CAPS undercover investigator.

“The animals are often treated with a minimal standard of care with little or no concern for their well-being.” It’s not uncommon for pet shop puppies to be treated for upper respiratory infections, ear and eye infections, and parasites once they arrive at the store or their new home.

Now teens can learn more about the conditions found in common puppy mills and spread the word about the horrors of puppy mills by registering to become a teen activist at

By being young activists fighting the puppy mill industry teens can educate consumers to help end the horrific plight of the pet store puppy.


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