Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quick Facts about Puppy Mills

Puppy mills originated in the post-World War II era. Midwestern farmers looking for an alternative crop reacted to a growing demand for puppies, resulting in the development of the first commercial puppy mill business.

A puppy mill can be defined as:

* a filthy, trashy place where one or several breeds of dogs are kept in deplorable conditions with mostly no medical care and puppies are available at all times
* any high-volume breeder whose cash crop is puppies
* any high-volume breeders who breed pets as their livelihood and keep them in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions
* a place where lots of dogs are raised, where breeding is done solely for financial gain rather than protection of the breed, and where puppies are sold to brokers or to pet stores

Puppy mills are able to stay in business due to the high demand for purebred dogs. However, the public does not know that pure breed registration papers and health certificates obtained with the purchase of a pet store puppy are not guaranteed by the American Kennel Club.

The Animal Welfare Act, which is managed by the US Department of Agriculture, is listing several categories of dog selling businesses:

* Pet dealers: import, buy, sell, trade or transport pets in wholesale channels
* Pet breeder: breed for the wholesale trade
* Laboratory animal dealers, breeders, bunchers, auction operators and promoters of contest in which animals are given as prizes
* Hobby breeders: sell directly to pet stores

Warning Signs that help in identifying high-volume breeders

Does the breeder/seller…

* Advertise in classified ads in the newspaper or on the Internet
* Use handwritten road signs to advertise puppies for sale
* Advertise that puppies are ready for Christmas, Easter, etc.
* Advertise many different breeds for sale

Does the breeder/seller…

* Tell you that the ‘deal’ can be completed by phone or e-mail
* Make up excuses why you can’t meet the puppy’s parents
* Offer stud services to the general public
* Sell puppies less than 8 weeks old

If allowed on property, do the adult parent animals…

* Appear dirty or poorly groomed
* Have temperament issues
* Spend their lives in stacked cages
* Have no water available
* Appear unhealthy
* Lack the proper shelter

Does the breeder/seller…

* Use registries that you have never heard of
* Tell you that papers are no available at time of delivery of the puppy
* Tell you to meet him/her and the puppy at a public location
* Sell the puppies at a public place like a flea market, dog auction, yard sale, out of the back of a pickup, etc.

What you can do to help

With millions of unwanted dogs (including 25% purebreds) and cats euthanized in shelters every year, there is no need for animals to be bred and sold for the pet-store trade. Stay away from buying puppies from pet stores, over the Internet or from newspaper ads. Buying puppies from these sources will help to keep the puppy mills in business. Instead, adopt from your local shelter or rescue groups. You can also contact your U.S. senators and representatives and ask them for better enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act by the USDA. Speak up and spread the word about puppy mills to your family and friends.

Source: Humane Society of Southern Arizona


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