Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Way to go, Granny

The light was already fading when 80-year-old Martha Smith heard her dog Bo barking furiously outside her Fairburn ranch house late last Thursday afternoon.

She looked outside and saw Bo, a Border collie, facing off with a snarling mountain lion.

So Smith, who was home alone, grabbed her .22-caliber rifle, walked outside and fired a shot at the lion. She missed.

Smith went back inside and called 911, but the dispatcher had trouble finding someone from Game, Fish & Parks to come out right away and take care of the lion.

So Smith grabbed the .22 again and went back outside where Bo was keeping the lion at bay.

She walked to within about 20 or 25 feet of the lion and fired. "I got as close as I could," Smith said. "I figured he'd run. I waited until he lifted his leg to run, and I got him right in the chest where his heart would be."

Source: Rapid City Journal


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