Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Devils and pumpkins and princesses, oh my!

Devil dogs, Spider-Men and princesses will roam darkened streets this Halloween this October 31 in search of candy and other treats.

Dressing your pet like the devil is the number one costume choice among the estimated 7.4 million households celebrating Halloween with their furry friends, according to the National Retail Federation’s Halloween Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, conducted by BIGresearch.

The average consumer will spend $23.33 on Halloween costumes, including those for children and pets, and total spending on Halloween is expected to reach $5.07 billion, including candy, costumes and decorations, says the NRF.

So what will the fashionable cat or dog be wearing this Halloween season? After devils, pumpkins run close behind and witches, princesses and angels round out the top five.

Top Pet Costumes:

1. Devil
2. Pumpkin
3. Witch
4. Princess
5. Angel
6. Pirate
7. Hot Dog
8. Bat
9. Black Cat
10. Clown


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