Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fishermen Catch 8-Foot, 600-Pound Bull Shark

Three men said they hooked an 8-foot bull shark that weighed more than 600 pounds this weekend after a lengthy struggle with the animal.

The shark was hooked off a dock this weekend. Ed Maloney, Frank Maloney and Chuck Meyer said they worked in shifts to catch the shark and had toss ice on their reel to keep it from overheating.

"I never thought we were going to get it in," Frank Maloney told the St. Petersburg Times. "I thought we were going to break the line several times."

The group measured the shark at 8 feet, 10 inches but did not have a scale to properly weigh their catch. They estimated its weight at about 650 to 700 pounds.

(Photo credit)


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