Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bat World

Bats are among the most beautiful and gentle animals on earth. They are vital to the ecosystem and enhance our lives in many ways. Insect eating bats eat millions of bugs nightly, and fruit bats bring us approximately 450 commercial products. Yet for all they do, bats are continually killed due to myths, superstition and fear. The life expectancy of a single bat exceeds 20 years, but slow birth rates limit their population growth. When just 5 bats are needlessly killed, a potential 100 years of animal life is destroyed.

In a world where so many look away, Bat World Sanctuary is on the front line of activism to end the abuse and destruction of bats. We have been recognized as the world leader in bat rehabilitation for the past decade. Each year we rescue thousands of bats that might otherwise die. Lifetime sanctuary is given to non-releasable bats, including those that are orphaned, injured, confiscated from the illegal pet trade and retired from zoos and research facilities. Bat World Sanctuary was founded in 1994 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all volunteer organization.


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