Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Book Review: a dog named Slugger

A Dog Named Slugger by Leigh Brill, is a true story about a woman who, at the height of her Cerebral Palsy symptoms, turned to a service dog organization where she was matched with Slugger, a highly intelligent, devoted and loving Yellow Labrador.

The book is heart-warming and inspiring, but it also promotes a very worthy cause--the Service Dog Industry. Leigh’s proceeds from the book will go to the nonprofit St. Francis Service Dogs organization.

On a personal note - - I've had a copy of this book for a few months, and had it by my bedside, knowing that I would soon have lots of time to do nothing but reading.

I recently had surgery for total knee replacement on my left knee! While what I went through was nowhere close to Leigh's needs and the restrictions which go along with Cerebral Palsy, but living in a four-level house made me very quickly understand how nice a four-legged helper would be. It never failed that whatever I needed was in the wrong part of the house. Opening doors holding onto a walker in front of me, or while holding a cane in one hand and other supplies in the other, really brought home to me what a huge help Slugger's presence must have been to Leigh.

I really enjoyed getting to know Leigh by reading her book, and fell in love with the playful, but hardworking Slugger, and his protege Kenda. My only criticism is that there weren't enough pictures! I would have loved to see more photos of these new friends.

If you'd like to know more, visit the website: Leigh Brill or Facebook page, A Dog Named Slugger.
READ MORE - Book Review: a dog named Slugger

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Today's awwwwwww

Photo: Anita Maric / EPA
READ MORE - Today's awwwwwww

Friday, May 20, 2011


READ MORE - Smile!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The cutest thing you'll see today

READ MORE - The cutest thing you'll see today

Monday, May 16, 2011


READ MORE - Smile!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Video: Yo-yo ducklings

READ MORE - Video: Yo-yo ducklings

Friday, May 13, 2011


READ MORE - Smile!

Cute or not? Baby Long-eared bat

READ MORE - Cute or not? Baby Long-eared bat

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Shiba Inu Puppy Cam

Tune in daily to see the cutest Shiba Inu pups… EVER!

The six Shiba Inu pups (3 boys and 3 girls) were born on Thursday, April 14th, 2011.
This is the third, and final, litter by their mom, Kika.

Live streaming video by Ustream

Here's the link: http://www.ustream.tv/sfshiba#utm_campaign=synclickback&source=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/22/puppy-cam-shiba-inu-live-video-2011_n_852713.html&medium=317016
READ MORE - Shiba Inu Puppy Cam


READ MORE - Smile!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The cutest thing you'll see today

READ MORE - The cutest thing you'll see today

Monday, May 9, 2011

Meet the Dogs of War

Their razor sharp teeth are made from titanium, their body armor can withstand clouds of hot shrapnel, and they've been trained to wear oxygen masks for high altitude dives into enemy territory.

Say hello to the US Military's dogs of war - including the bomb-sniffer that joined the hit squad of 79 Navy SEALS that took out Osama Bin Laden in a compound in Pakistan.

The dog would have dropped into the battle zone strapped to the chest of one of the SEAL team members as he rappelled from one of the three Black Hawk helicopters landing in Abottaban, Pakistan.

Wearing body armor equiped with an infrared camera, the dog could stream live images to team members in other parts of Obama's hide-out and back at the base. A radio mounted near the dog's ears would have let SEALS in other parts of the compound give orders to the dog.

Read more ...
READ MORE - Meet the Dogs of War


READ MORE - Smile!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Video: Boston Terrier Vs. Kitten

READ MORE - Video: Boston Terrier Vs. Kitten

Friday, May 6, 2011

Can a pigeon be a champion?

Founded in 1920, the National Pigeon Association is an all-breeds pigeon club with an International membership. Encompassing all varieties of domesticated pigeons, the NPA promotes, educates, and acknowledges the efforts of fanciers in the continued development and care of our "favorite feathered friends!"

Yes, a pigeon CAN be a champion, because the NPA holds a yearly exhibition to select the best of the best.

The NPA 2010 Grand National was held in Salt Lake City Utah. There were 3,721 entries representing 26 breeds. Exhibitors came from every state in the USA and Canada.

These pigeons are NOT your average scavengers, you know. Twisted Sifter, in "Bizarre Gallery of Grand National Champion… Pigeons!?!" has collected 30 photos of some of the winners from the Grand Nationals.

Below are a couple of my favorites.

READ MORE - Can a pigeon be a champion?


READ MORE - Smile!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Found on the web

Animal-Human Leprosy Link Found
People infected with leprosy in the United States often have the same previously unknown strain of the microbe Mycobacterium leprae that is also carried by armadillos.

Elderly Animals - in pictures
Photographer Isa Leshko has set out to document old age in the animal kingdom with a series of beautiful photographs.

10 Amazing Zoos Every Animal Lover Should See
Instead of going back to your local zoo again and again, why not see what else the world has to offer? Here are 10 amazing zoos every animal lover should see.
READ MORE - Found on the web

Today's awwwwwww

Photo: Eloy Alonso / Reuters
READ MORE - Today's awwwwwww

Pizza for lunch

Photo by ANDRE J. JACKSON/Detroit Free Press

The animals at Detroit Zoo feasted on the special delivery from Buddy's Pizza, on April 27, part of a $150,000 donation that will sponsor zoo field trips for underprivileged schools during the next five years.

READ MORE - Pizza for lunch

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This is a baby Grevy's Zebra, born April 17th at the Detroit Zoo.

(via ZooBorns)

Tails from the past

Don't you just love looking at old photos? The hair styles - the clothing - the furniture - the expressions on the peoples faces ... And the best ones are the ones containing their pets!

I'm happy to have found an excellent website Vintage Tails, chock full of people with their four-legged pals. Many have descriptive, often humorous commentary, like the following:

"Yep, it was now a piddle skirt."

"The head transplant was successful."

Got a few hours to waste?
READ MORE - Tails from the past

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011


READ MORE - Smile!

Revisit the robin's nest

In 2005, a robin built her nest in the best spot - on top of a rose trellis, under my bedroom window.

From May 14, 2005 through June 10, 2005, I took a photo every day and watched as the eggs were laid, protected and cared for and guarded. I took a photo daily as the little hatch-lings emerged and grew. Sadly, I took a photo of the empty nest as they grew up and left the nest.

I posted the photos of the robin's nest on a webpage, one which receives several hundred visitors each day. Now that spring might actually be coming (!) I thought we'd take this opportunity to

READ MORE - Revisit the robin's nest

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Video: Duck vs. Pup

READ MORE - Video: Duck vs. Pup

Friday, April 29, 2011


Photo: M And Y / Caters News / Zuma Press
READ MORE - Smile!

Cats and Books

READ MORE - Cats and Books

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The cutest thing you'll see today

READ MORE - The cutest thing you'll see today

Found on the Web

The Mighty Tiger: 15 Facts and 25 Stunning Photos
Beautiful, deadly and endangered. The tiger is all of these.

Putty in their paws: Why we do what cats want
A pair of studies shows cats cleverly manipulate us to get what they need.

Kids and Furkids
If parents teach their children how to deal correctly with a dog while the children are young and curious, their relationships with dogs will be richer.
READ MORE - Found on the Web

“Bark in the Park” Chicago!

The 17th annual “Bark in the Park” event to raise funds for The Anti-Cruelty Society is on Saturday, May 7, at Montrose Harbor in Chicago.
READ MORE - “Bark in the Park” Chicago!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Peeping Tom

READ MORE - Peeping Tom

Let's go visit Sancho

Aniela, who is only 13, is the author of a new blog about her adorable rabbit, Sancho.

Sancho loves Nutella, skateboard riding, and playing in the garden.

Sancho is also lonely because no one knows about his blog.

Please visit Sancho today!
READ MORE - Let's go visit Sancho


Friday, April 29, is National Hair ball Awareness Day!

What better way to spread the word than by coughing up a virtual hairball on all your Facebook friends?

If you’re a cat owner, you’ve surely fallen victim to a hairball attack. There’s nothing worse than discovering that little present from your pet in the middle of the night in your bare feet. National Hairball Awareness Day provides a platform for highlighting this issue and educating cat owners of the solutions Science Diet offers.

You can help spread the word for Hill's Hairball Control products by playing and passing on Hill’s Pet Nutrition’s very first Facebook game—Hairball Battle!

Playing the game is simple. Choose one of the hilarious hairballs and cough them up on your friends! But watch out, they’ll be able to retaliate! Silly, sloppy and a bit disgusting—it’s the most fun friends of felines can have without leaving Facebook!

Play the game by clicking the Battle link below. Then fight to the yucky finish. Watch your step!


P.S. Dog lovers, don’t be shy—you can play, too!

Seriously, if you would like more information about hairballs and hairball control, please visit Hill's® Science Diet® Hairball Control Formulas.
READ MORE - Hairballs!

Real angry bird

Photograph by GERARD GIRLING
(via Twisted Sifter)
READ MORE - Real angry bird

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lunch time

READ MORE - Lunch time

Monday, April 25, 2011

Shop cats

in a sweater store in Zermatt, Switzerland, by Julie Corsi

in a restaurant in Farfa, Lazio, IT, by MakeNmakE

in Khan el-Khalili bazaar in Cairo, by elsa11

in a diamond shop in Amsterdam, by kaylovesvintage

The Bay Window

Dunbar Gardens

Flutot's Camera Repair

(via KGRC)

Fandangle Beads


Old Scrolls Book Shop

West Seattle Blog has a series profiling “shop cats” who are fixtures at local businesses.
READ MORE - Shop cats